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Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Don't mess with this cowboy!
He means business
Having lots of fun!
Austin, Logan, Anthony, and Zach

Happy Halloween and Happy Birthday Mom!

Well of course we went trick-or-treating Wednesday night. Tony had blast as always :) Halloween is also my Mom's birthday! For as long as I can remember we always eat pizza and then go get all the candy. I have kept the tradition going, my parents came over and we ate together then open presents. The Weak's family goes trick-or-treating with us too, that seems to be another tradition! After some good food off we went to get lots of candy! It was a beautiful night and couldn't of asked for a better time :)

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Elementary School Musical!!

Tony had his fall musical Monday night. I love watching the kids, they are so cute and of course someone is going to do something that makes you laugh! It is usually Tony who makes me laugh, he gets so into it, his facial expressions are priceless. Tony did a lot better this year singing along with everyone else. I told him afterwards, I could almost hear him. They sang songs about America and it was by far my favorite program so far! Tony was New Jersey, he told me a couple of weeks ago he was excited because his aunts, uncle, and cousins live there :) I will post pictures once the website starts working again!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Let's carve pumpkins!

I promise we do feed him! I made him not suck in his tummy after I saw this picture.
He is having way too much fun!
I think they look a lot alike, what do you think?

Sunday afternoon we decided to carve our pumpkins! Tony had a blast, this was the first year he didn't think digging in the pumpkin was disgusting!

Sunday, October 28, 2007


When is it going to be my turn?
I think I am ready!
Listening closely to watch the coach is saying!

Tony had his first basketball practice Saturday afternoon. He had such a good time with soccer we thought he would enjoy basketball too. The pictures won't be a good as soccer because the lighting isn't to great in the gym but we got a few good pictures at practice.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Pumpkin Time!

Boy, this is heavy!

Is this the one? Big decision!

Are we lost??

Since this was the first weekend we had NOTHING to do we spend Saturday at the Beasley Orchid. We has a blast! I couldn't believe how fast time went by when we were there. We found our way through the 8 acre corn maze and rode the hayride out to the pumpkin patch to pick out some pumpkins for carving. We also hit up the apple orchid and got Tony's favorite Johnathon apples.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Endurance Race Results!!

Sunday was the Mazda Robopong 200 endurance race at New Castle. Ron had a great practice run on Saturday but with the wrong tire pressures he ended up having to start 44th. Ron raced almost 150 of the 200 laps, while his partner John Ewing raced the other 50 laps. Ron and John finished 12th! I don't think I have ever seen Ron so exhausted but it paid off. I can only imagine how he felt, I sure was proud of him. We are done racing for the season, Ron and Tony will start back up again next year. Now we focus on getting everything ready for the 2008 season.
You can check out results at and photos at

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Last soccer game of the year!

On a mission!

This is the face you get when the other team scores, can that lip get any farther out?

This was Tony's first year playing soccer, he loved it! We were on our way home from the game today and he kept saying how much fun he had. Even though they lost today he had a blast. We were all sad that the season is over. But, it is time to move on to focus on basketball!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Big Weekend coming up!!

This weekend is the Endurance Race at New Castle Motorsports Park. If you can't make it out it will be on

This weekend is also Tony's last soccer game. He is sad that the season is already over but, basketball starts up in just two weeks so he will quickly get over it!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Soccer and Racing all in one weekend

Pictures from last weeks game.
Tony headed in the corner

Tony had a soccer game Saturday morning, they won 2-1! Tony scored his second goal of the game with only 20 seconds to go to bring his team to victory. Ron and Tony both headed up to New Castle Sunday morning for a non points, fun race. Ron won the shifter kart race and Tony finished 3rd. Pretty good weekend!

This weekend is the Endurance Race at New Castle. The endurance race is one of the biggest races of the year for Ron. If you live close and have time, come check it out! It will also be televised on Speed Channel, I will post when we find out when will be on.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Moving up the ladder!!!

For those that know how long and hard I have worked at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway then you should know how happy this makes me. I got promoted on Monday to Personnel Coordinator!! I will be in charge of all the hiring, firing, and non-for-profit groups. That is just the tip of the things I will be doing but that is the just of it. I am so excited about this opportunity. I moved her 5 year ago to work in racing and it is so hard for me to believe I have been at the track for 4 years now. I just wanted to share the good news :)