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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Brother or Sister??

Well we have waited for what seems like forever before we made the official annoucement. I would guess most of you already know but, we are having a baby!! Ron and I are both so excited. Tony is convinced he is having a brother :) I know he is excited about it but it still seems so far away for him. I am 12 weeks today and the baby is due September 5th. We got to hear the baby's heartbeat and see the baby today. So far everything looks wonderful and we couldn't be happier.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

What a Child.....

So Saturday night we were all sitting around getting ready to watch the NASCAR race. Anthony had been so excited all day. Time finally came for it to start and he had all of his pokemon stuffed animals on the couch. When I asked him what he was doing, he told me that his pokemon wanted to watch the race too. Notice he is also sitting in his bean bag chair on the couch. Sometimes I just shake my head, but most of the time he keeps me laughing :)

Monday, February 4, 2008

Crazy Indiana Weather!

He looks awefully calm with 70 mile per hour wind outside, don't you think?

Well since not much has been going on around our house lately I haven't had much to post about. So I will post about the crazy weather we have been having. Last Tuesday it was wonderfully warm outside at about 5:00. We knew a cold front was coming through which normally means rain and storms. What we didn't know was two hours later after a tornado warning it would like like a blizzard outside. We still are in awe over the whole day, it was crazy! My parents house had some minor damage and we lost our gas grill, I think it blew over one too many times! Thank goodness that was all that happened. Tony stayed calm by playing his DS in the bathtub :) He stayed in there for almost an hour and the storm didn't last longer than 10 mintues.

Well hopefully things will start to pick up around here soon, and I will have some good stuff to post about. Ron is working on getting the karts ready for racing season. We are trying to decide on Anthony's soccer team for the spring. Just day to day living right now, it is the calm before the storm with spring right around the corner. Hopefully everyone is staying warm and is enjoying life!! Check back for some big news later this month :)