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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Burr I am cold I wish they would hurry up!
Look at all the eggs and candy!
Easter Bunny was very nice to Anthony this year!
Even Chase liked the eggs

We took Anthony to a local park for a big Easter egg hunt and he had a blast even in the the snow. I don't ever remember doing Easter egg hunts in the snow! We had a quiet Easter but spent some good time together as a family.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Which one is having the baby??

Not much has been going on around here so I haven't had much to post about. Racing is just around the corner, Tony is counting down the days. Every morning when he gets up he makes sure to tell us how many more days until his first race.

I had a doctor's appointment today to check up on the baby and everything seems fine. I am 16 weeks or 4 months along now. We can't believe how fast time has gone by. Two week from today we have our big ultrasound and if the baby cooperates then we will find out if it is a boy or girl. We can't wait! Tony still wants that brother but I don't think he will be too disappointed if he gets a sister.

Hope everyone is doing good, with racing season around the corner things will start to get crazy in our lives. I only have one more free weekend before I start living at work. Feel free to leave comments if you like, that way we know who is checking in!!