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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

We all survived!!

I can't tell if this is morning or evening but I know I was there no matter what time it was!
Well another month of May in the books and we all survived it. The 92nd Indianapolis 500 is in the history books and we all got to be apart of it again this year. I worked 19 hours on race day and Ron and Tony came out and had a blast. Ron didn't bring the camera, which is probably a good thing, so we don't have any pictures that captured the moments. I think Ron is glad the month of May is over so I won't be living at work anymore and things can go back to normal, wait what is normal! Tony had a very eventful day on Sunday he went to the race with Ron then Ron dropped him off at the airport and he went to California with his Mom. Ron and I already missed him so much but we also know this will be the last time for a really long time we are "kid free" so we both agreed to make the best of it and enjoy the quietness while we can.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Month of May!

Holy Cow I can't beleive the Month of May is half way over. As most of you know our lives turn upside down this month because I live at work and Ron and Tony are racing. That is why there have been no posts lately.

Ron and Tony have raced two races since my last post. Ron is leading the shifter class by one point, after another win and a third place finish. Ron is 8th in points inthe TAG class after a rough start to the year. Tony has had a wonderful start to his racing season, he is 4th in points at New Castle and finished 2nd at Whiteland a couple of weeks ago. As Tony is getting older it is so much fun to see him race and just see the improvement from year to year, and at this point it is race to race.

Month of May at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway has been an interesting one. Lots and lots of rain and that makes for long days at work. I can only hope come next weekend there is no rain in sight and the 92nd running of the Indianapolis 500 goes off without any problems.

Hope everyone is doing good, we will do a family belly shot sometime soon. Ron, Tony, and Chase are getting smaller, I am getting bigger :) I had my 6 month appointment on Monday and everything looks great so far with our baby girl. She will be here in 16 weeks and that frightens me!