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Friday, July 25, 2008

Busy weekend!

Things are picking up around here! Ron and Tony raced in the Race for Riley charity race on Wednesday at New Castle. Ron had a lot of fun but not a lot of good luck. The shifter motor is still "in the shop" getting fixed so he only got to race the TAG kart. He got taken out on the first lap. Tony had issues with his kart as well. From what Ron said he hit the choke on the engine and just didn't have any power in the motor. Rough day overall but I think both of them had a blast. I had to work so no pictures, not that I would of remembered my camera anyways!

Last night we went out to the J.D. Byrider 100 at O'Reilly Raceway Park. Ron and Tony had their karts on display at the hospitality tent. Both of them signed autographs, which was so fun to watch Ron give out autographs. Of course I remembered I didn't grab the camera about half way there, so no pictures. Pregnancy brain has gotten the best of me with this camera! We got there late because of work so I didn't get to see Tony sign any autographs except for my dad. Tony thought he was hot stuff! It was great racing last night, well the midget race anyways we left before the Silver Crown race. Ron and I headed home since it was 10:00 pm and I had to get up at 4:00 am for work. Ron's Grandma Petersen and Sister Laurie and her fiance are in town for all the races and it was good to spend a little time with them. I miss going to races, we just don't seem to have time anymore but, I am hoping next year we can squeeze a few more in.

This weekend is the Allstate 400 so I will be a crazy long weekend. Ron and Tony are planning on coming out for the race, maybe Ron can remember the camera.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Riley's 1st party

We had our baby shower on Saturday. My Mom and friend Kristine threw everything together and we had a BBQ at our house. It was a blast, I don't know of too many baby shower's lasting until midnight! That was when the last guests left :) Here are a few pictures I will add more when I get them.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

So I am a little late, but Happy 4th of July! Hopefully everyone had a safe holiday. Ron and I didn't do to much on our 3 day weekend. We stayed close to home and went to the Brownsburg fireworks on Friday. Saturday after some shopping with my Mom, Ron had to work, Ron and I decided to get out of the house for awhile and just spend sometime together. Didn't do much of anything besides baby shopping and just enjoying the day. It was a wonderful day!
Ron raced on Sunday and as Steve said, "it was an expensive day". Ron blew up both the shifter and the TAG motor. As of right now they don't know what they are going to do with the shifter, second race in a row the motor has failed. They were able to put Steve's TAG motor on and Ron finished 4th, and looked really good! The TAG class is a tough class with a lot of good talent and they are learning the set up of the new kart. I think it is just a matter of time before he gets his first when in the new kart :)

On another note, Tony comes home in 4 days!!!!!!! Ron and I can't wait, it seems like he has been gone forever. Hopefully we will be a little more exciting once he gets back :) And one more note the countdown is on, only 8 more weeks until we meet our baby girl. I can't believe how fast time is flying by!