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Friday, January 29, 2010

Small Update

Well, we still don't have a home computer. Actually we do I just can't upload my pictures on it yes. Ron's IT guy from work is letting us borrow one while he is building us a new one! I am kind of excited about it because we got to pick what we wanted on it and won't get all the extra junk that comes with a new computer. We should have it by next week, there will be picture posts coming soon!!

So here is a small update on the family:

Ron is starting to get the kart ready for racing season! The schedule came out last week and the first race it just under 2 months away. I think we are all ready to get back to the track!! He is working on some other endeavors as well and could always use some extra prayers to lead him down the right path.

I am still working for the Speedway. I had to re interview for my position with the new company looking to come in and take over our department. Don't have a lot of information about what is going to happen. I know they better get the contract signed soon because I am tired of the waiting game. On other news I have made a goal to run a 5k in April, I am crazy!?! Yes I am, I hate running, but thought this might be a good start to help me get on a healthier lifestyle. I really think once I start running it won't be so bad. I did some running last summer and really it made me feel good. Of course finding the motivation to start training is a different story!

Tony is a getting so big, I just can't believe he is 10 years old. He is going to be starting Marital arts in a few weeks and he wants to play flag football in spring as well. He is going to be a busy guy, but hopefully it will keep his mind of some other things going on in his life. He is still the best big brother ever, just last night watching him and Riley play made my heart melt. He loves his little sister and just thinks she is a hoot! He has a skating party for school on Monday night and I actually left him there by himself. I left almost in tears because he doesn't need us as much as he use too, he is growing up fast. I am sure this will get a post of its own :)

Riley is well, Riley. She is currently getting 4 molar teeth in right now, ouch!! She has been a little crabby but overall has been handling it well. She is a talking fool, she can pretty much repeat whatever you say, including the words you don't want her to say! She still runs every where she goes and climbs on EVERYTHING. She loves her big brother and her Chase. She is always playing with him, of course Chase might not wanting to be playing but he has no choice. She is a growing girl, turns 17 months old today! Holy cow next month she will be half way to 2!

Life is pretty good right now we are all quite content with where we are. We love to watch American Idol together. Tony and I are joining a book reading contest tonight at the Library. We have been spending good time together, of course it is too cold to do anything else so we are making the best of this gloomy winter. I have to say as great as it has been to be together I am ready to get out of the house and enjoy some sun!

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Hoops for Heart

It is that time of year again, hoops for heart!! We are running a little late on things because we haven't had a computer. If you would to donate please follow the link below, you have until Sunday night to donate. Yes I know not a lot of time but if you feel the need to help Anthony reach his goal of $100.00 dollars and donate to the America Heart Association!

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Monday, January 18, 2010

Virus Stink!

So you might be thinking the Petersen's have some kind of virus, and yes we have all be fighting some kind of cold. Most of us are over it, Riley is on her second round of antibiotics, Anthony is finally finished taking antibiotics after two weeks, I was able to ward my virus off with over the counter meds, and now Ron is sick! But, as much as that sucks our computer also got a virus. The worst one the IT guy has ever seen and it pretty much destroyed our computer. So now we are trying to decide what to do and come up with some extra money to either rebuild our old one are buy a new one. Decisions decisions...

Even with all viruses in our house we have been very busy lately, so once we get a Internet access at the house again except a ton of updates!!

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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A Decade Old!!

Anthony turned 10 years old yesterday!!! Holy cow it is hard to believe we have a 10 year old in our house :) That makes us old right!?! We won't think about that....

We celebrated with just the four of us yesterday. We had some yummy crab legs, Tony's favorite of course! We then had some chocolate cake and Strawberry icing, yes that would be why he has a pink cake. Then of course he had to open some presents!! With just getting a room full of stuff for Christmas we went a different route this year. We got him one big present and that was just about it. He got a new sleeping bag, a really good one, to replace his babyish one he has. He also got a AWESOME Nerf gun. His big present was a new basketball goal. Tony plays basketball outside all the time, he could be snowing out and he would want to go out and shoot some hoops. The goal out there and in horrible shape, I am waiting for it to fall on Ron's car. Tony had no idea we were getting it but he LOVES it!! He can't wait for Ron to go out and put it up, too bad it is going to be a while before he can get out there. Between the freezing temperatures and the snow coming it might be a few months before he can get some good use out of it. I will be sure to take some pictures when we finally get it up! Tony's birthday party is this weekend, oh I don't think I am ready for it, he some how talked me into inviting more than normal. I am starting to noticing he can talk me into about anything...............

Oh I wonder what life will be like when he can drive, help us now!

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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year!

So I am little late, not much to report really. It has been quiet in the Petersen household. Lots of new video games are being plays, new movies are being watched, reading galore. Riley has started a new trend, as you can see, she wears my fuzzy socks over any outfit she has on. I put her down for a nap the other day and didn't realize there was a sock in there. When she woke up she had it on. It is too funny, she is definitely a trend setter! Watch out 2010 who knows what is in store, but I can't wait to see and share it with my family.