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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

JD Byrider

Thursday night we all (and I mean all both our parents and Ron's grandma from out of state) went out to the JD Byrider 100. Petersen Racing had the karts out on display and Tony was signing autographs again this year. He was even signing body parts, still don't know how I feel about this one....

Tony got to go out on the track and be apart of opening ceremonies again this year. He was standing out on the track watching the driver get introduced. About half way through he went over to where they were would come off the stage and give them a fist punch. It was HILARIOUS, most drivers were really cool with him including Ryan Newman. Once everyone was introduced Tony got to say "let's go racing" with the green hair (American Heart Association) girls. Tony LOVES to be apart of it and I questioned if we made the right decision to bring him home this week but by far it was the best decision we could of made! It was so good to have him home even for just the week and he gets so much exposure this week it is great for JD Byrider and his racing "career".

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Race for Riley

Yesterday was the Race for Riley Children's hospital out at New Castle. Ron and Tony raced in it again this year! Ron said he had a lot of fun out there racing. He finished 6th but had a good battle on his hands for most of the race. He said he wished it was another 10 laps because he was having so much fun. Tony spun out, racing to hard on cold tires! He finished 11th but he was glad to be back at the track! Up next, the JD Byrider 100 tonight and it is Brickyard 400 weekend! This is such a crazy week for our family, I will be glad when it is over :)

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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Who needs dress up!?!

When you have a soda box around............

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4th of July!!

After getting back from new castle we had some yummy dinner and headed out to Arbuckle Acres park in Brownsburg for some GREAT fireworks!! My parents and some good friends came with us and we all had a good time. Ron and I were a little tired but Riley was going full blast!! We had some pineapple whip, boy I LOVE pineapple whip!! The mosquito's ate me and only me alive but it was worth it. 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays, I just wish Tony was here to celebrate it with us.

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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

KRA Race 8 & 9

Trying to stay cool!

Ron raced a double header this weekend, on top of working Saturday! Talk about a crazy weekend. Ron headed straight for the track Saturday after work to make it in time to race. Of course his luck was it was a new track configuration that he had never raced on. No practice and no qualifying. He started in the back and worked his was up to 2nd! Riley and I stayed home Saturday but went up Sunday. It was a SUPER HOT weekend, I didn't think it was a great idea to have her out in the heat two days in a row. Ron raced the shifter and the TAG kart on Sunday. He spun out in the Tag race and finished 3rd in the shifter race. Not too bad of a racing weekend! Riley ignores me when Grandma Terri is at the race track, those two have a blast together! Needless to say between all the grandparents the kid doesn't have a chance, they keep telling me that is what they are there for but I am not buying it! :) Next Race is the Race for Riley Hospital, July 21st!!

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Saturday, July 3, 2010

Do you remember the dump truck....

The dump truck is still around :) Riley found it the other day in Tony's closet while we were cleaning out some of Tony's stuff. Needless to say she rides it everywhere around the house and tries to take it apart. Maybe she isn't the next race car driver, maybe the first female crew chief!?!

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