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Sunday, December 30, 2007

Merry Christmas

He was super excited about his soccer goals from his Mom!
More Pokemon cards!!! Thanks to his Aunt Nicole, Uncle Eric, and cousins Austin and Ava!
Anthony loves this soccer watch from his Grandma and Grandpa Higa!
Anthony was very excited about his new pillow case from his Great Grandparents!!!

Sorry for the late update, we have been super busy and I had a few problems with our camera and computer.

Anthony had a wonderful Christmas! We had such a busy day Christmas day that we let him open his gift from all his family on Christmas eve! This kid gets so many presents that he will be lucky to play with them all by July :)

Thank you everyone for all the great gifts, Anthony is one lucky kid to have such a great family. I will update more tomorrow with Christmas day photos.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Look who wrote Anthony!

Concentrating hard on reading Santa's letter
He was very proud!
His pass to the North Pole :)
Anthony got a big surprise in the mail today, a letter from Santa himself! Santa normally write Anthony every year but this year he could actually read the letter without Ron or I reading it to him. He was very excited to get his letter in the mail. He even got a pass to come visit Santa at the North Pole whenever he wanted. I told him I didn't plan to make any vacation plans to the North Pole anytime soon :) I would rather head to the beach!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Water Park Fun!

We took Tony and his best friend Ian to the Holiday Inn Caribbean Cove water park Friday night. It was a early birthday present for Tony, there is usually so much going on around his birthday we thought we would do something special for him. I have to say both boys had a blast. This water park is just down the road and have some really cool slides and a fun play area for the kids. It took us awhile to talk Tony into going on the slides but once we did we couldn't get him to stop!
Ian is Tony's best friend from daycare 4 years ago. These two have a very special relationship, Ron and I sometime can't figure it out. They don't get to see each other much but whenever you ask who their best friend is, the other one is always the answer. They bonded at an early age and I think they will be friends for life!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Go Colts!

I always wonder what Peyton is thinking?
Commercial Break Time
The kick was good!
This picture is for Mark :)

Ron and I got to attend the Colts game on Sunday afternoon. We have made it to at least one Colts game a year the past couple of years and didn't think we would make it since prices were so high, I guess that is what happens when you are the Super Bowl Champions. Ron's work came through for us and we had awesome seats! I love going to the Colts game but we have never had this good of seats. I told Ron after the first play I could actually see the ball! It was a blast and of course we won because I had Ron's lucky Dallas Clark jersey on :) I have now claimed it as my Dallas Clark jersey not his.

Monday, December 3, 2007

KRA banquet

Anthony with his trophy and all his racing buddies
The big speech
Where is Ron?
122 ICC Shifter Championship Trophy!

Saturday was Ron and Tony's Kart Racers of America banquet. We all had a really good time. Ron won the 125 ICC shifter championship and came in third in the Tag USA class. Tony finished fifth in the Kid Kart points, pretty good considering he missed a couple of races during the year. I think they both are ready for winter to be over so they can get back out on the track!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Is it Christmas time yet?

Tony Decorating the tree

He was more interested in playing with the train and watching a movie then taking pictures
PLEASE all I want to do it watch the movie!
Doesn't look to fake right :)

We spent Sunday afternoon decorating our house for Christmas! For those that know me know I have always had a real tree. I always told my mom if they bought a fake Christmas tree I was moving out. They bought a fake tree and I moved out :) OK Ron and I bought our house I really didn't move out because of the tree but I still! I guess I got older and wiser because we bought a fake Christmas tree today. I have to say it was a lot easier than a real one and not as messy! Ron asked me I needed to tell him something ;) I told him I didn't plan on moving out anytime soon! Tony had fun decorating the tree. We listened to Christmas music and watched Polar Express, it matches our new train we bought today as well! Once the rain lets us we move to the outside and of the house and get it all decorated next!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Tony is in the middle surrounded by the other team!
Let me have the ball!
I always wonder what goes through his mind...

We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We spent the day at my parents house and Ron's Mom came over as well. Ron's dad, Steve, spent his Thanksgiving in Florida, lucky guy! It was a wonderful day with lots of good food and football.

Last weekend Tony had his first basketball game. Ron filled in as an assistant coach, Tony's team won 5-4! He is so small compared to a lot of the other kids and it is so funny to try and watch him shoot over them. I don't think he will be tall enough to be the next big NBA star :) But, one thing you can't take away from him is he plays hard!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Happy Birthday Ron!!

Ron had a birthday on Saturday! It was a very busy day for all of us! We started with basketball in the afternoon. We went to dinner downtown at St. Elmo's and let me tell you it was yummy!! We then went to the arcade and bowling! By the time we got home that night we were all exhausted.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Vote for Helio!!

Helio at the Indy Car Series Chicagoland Race in September

Well, Tony got sick Saturday morning :( So I don't have any pictures to update.

But, I thought since I was on the computer voting for Helio Castroneves on Dancing with the Stars I would post a reminder to everyone to please VOTE for him!!! I think a lot of people are starting to realize what I have said all along, that Helio being on this show will spark a new interest with the Indy Car Series. It is so much fun to see my work support him, another reason why I love my job!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Don't mess with this cowboy!
He means business
Having lots of fun!
Austin, Logan, Anthony, and Zach

Happy Halloween and Happy Birthday Mom!

Well of course we went trick-or-treating Wednesday night. Tony had blast as always :) Halloween is also my Mom's birthday! For as long as I can remember we always eat pizza and then go get all the candy. I have kept the tradition going, my parents came over and we ate together then open presents. The Weak's family goes trick-or-treating with us too, that seems to be another tradition! After some good food off we went to get lots of candy! It was a beautiful night and couldn't of asked for a better time :)

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Elementary School Musical!!

Tony had his fall musical Monday night. I love watching the kids, they are so cute and of course someone is going to do something that makes you laugh! It is usually Tony who makes me laugh, he gets so into it, his facial expressions are priceless. Tony did a lot better this year singing along with everyone else. I told him afterwards, I could almost hear him. They sang songs about America and it was by far my favorite program so far! Tony was New Jersey, he told me a couple of weeks ago he was excited because his aunts, uncle, and cousins live there :) I will post pictures once the website starts working again!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Let's carve pumpkins!

I promise we do feed him! I made him not suck in his tummy after I saw this picture.
He is having way too much fun!
I think they look a lot alike, what do you think?

Sunday afternoon we decided to carve our pumpkins! Tony had a blast, this was the first year he didn't think digging in the pumpkin was disgusting!