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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Nursery Pictures

We spent this weekend working on the nursery, after a lot of hard work it turned out wonderful! We still have some small details to add, but neither one of us could be happier. We had help from my parents and Ron's parents and couldn't of finished it without the help, thanks everyone!
As you can see from the pictures above we have picked a name!! Riley Dawn Petersen :) Believe it or not Ron and I have had this name picked out before we found out it was a girl, we could never agree on a boy's name so I guess she better come out a girl otherwise we are in trouble. Only 9 more weeks until she will be here! Time is flying by fast!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

We Are Boring!

Chase helping Dad set the pool up for the second time. The first time we set up it up we got some much rain the ground softened on one side and the pool shifted. We had to drain it and start all over again.
He loved playing in the water! We are going to have to get him his own pool to lay in.
Chase with a toy that belongs to Tony on the baby's changing pad.
Chase thinks he found a new bed!

I realized with Tony gone I haven't had much to post about. Ron and I must be boring!! With no kid around I don't have any one to take pictures of, so I have been more aware of the crazy things Chase does. He is quite the character.

On a plus note Ron and I are working on getting Tony's bathroom painted, the little monster decided one day to peel a patch of paint off right in the middle of the wall :) The good thing is I have been wanting to repaint it for awhile. Ron started on that today while I prepped the nursery to get painted. We will be doing that next weekend! Will post some pictures once we get done. What I can't believe is in 10 weeks our little girl will be here. Ron and I were looking at the calendar and between his racing schedule, my work schedule, and few other things here and there we only have one free weekend between now and her due date. I feel like we have so much to do in order to get ready!

I know lots of you are waiting on belly pictures but today it not the day, between painting, mowing the yard, and cleaning the house I look a little rough today :) I will have Ron take some this week.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Double header Day at the track!

Ron and Tony raced this weekend, it was suppose to be a double header weekend. With all the rain we received on Saturday the race was cancelled and they ran both races on Sunday. Now this might not seem like a huge deal but, practice starts at 8:00 am and Ron practiced, qualified, and ran two races in both the 125 ICC shifter class and the TAG class. We got home Sunday at 10:30 at night, we were both exhausted and I didn't do anything! Ron won both shifter races! He also finished 8th and 6th in the TAG races. Tony raced two races as well and finished 4th and 3th. He gets so excited when he does good and you would of thought it one the race the way he was pumping his fists in the air! Sunday was also the first day I have seen Tony run his "new kart", next year he will graduate from the Kid Kart class and they are trying to get him some experience in a bigger and faster kart. It makes me a little nervous, but after seeing him run the kart in practice he did awesome!
Of course we were in such a hurry to get out of the house when we left, I forgot the camera once again. I swipe the pictures above from the photographer that takes a lot of great pictures from the track.