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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Elmo LIVE!

Saturday we had a girls night out and my Mom and I took Riley to see Sesame Street Live, Elmo's Green thumb. It was awesome! Riley was in awe most of the time. She clapped along with all the songs and when songs were over she would clap :) She loved when Elmo and Cookie came out on stage and just watched with the most amazed look ever. It was a blast and so glad we are able to do things like this with her. I think my Mom and I enjoyed watching Riley more than the show. At intermission they brought out these huge Elmo balloons and well needless to say Miss One Track Mind would not let us leave without one! She is one persistent little thing!! While we were at Elmo the boys were working on the karts. They were going to go out and practice for today's race but it was called off due to rain so they just got everything ready for next weekend. Other than that we had a pretty laid back weekend, it rained a lot of our plans out so we stayed at home and hung out together and watched some racing!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day!

Earth day was designed to inspire awareness and appreciate for the Earth's environment. We try to be a "green" family. We do pretty darn good too! We recycle, use fluorescent bulbs, turn off water while brushing our teeth, turn of lights and other appliances when not in use, use recyclable bags at the store, use refillable coffee mugs, we reuse anything we can, we buy used clothes, books, and really anything else we can find used. We donate our stuff or have garage sales instead of throwing it away. I don't want Tony or Riley to have to pay for the things we are doing now to the Earth so I am doing as much as possible to make sure they have energy, clean water, and clean air when they are older! So I ask you the question, what are you doing for Earth Day?

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Monday, April 19, 2010

First Race of the Year!!

We loaded up Saturday morning super early and headed out to New Castle for an impromptu race. Ron and Tony rarely race anything but KRA but since they missed the first race of the season due to a rescheduling conflict they decided to go out and race this weekend to get some good practice. Tony raced on the oval track, which was something new to him, and did GREAT! He was the only one in his class, so first WIN of the season :) but more importantly he looked really good out on the track. He raced with a few senior drivers, no not as in old man senior as in more experienced (Ron's age) drivers, and did pretty darn good! Ron raced on the road course with a group called Great Lakes Series and did great too! Ron finished 3rd, a pretty good start to the season if you ask me. They race the next two weekends so expect lots of racing updates to come. Don't forget to check out Tony's website (link on the sidebar of the blog) for news as well, make sure to sign his guest book too :) He loves that!!

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Glow in the dark pacifier

Riley got some glow sticks for Easter from my parents. Riley LOVES them. She made several of them glow one night and instead of letting them go to waste we put them in her pacifier (yes she still uses a pacifier don't judge!). She thought it was great! I love these pictures because you can see how tired she is in her eyes. This is my calm baby, most of the time she is on the move going as fast as her little legs will carry her! Just like big brother :)

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Starbucks Snob!

Everyone that know Ron and I knows that we LOVE Starbucks. We even have Tony liking it, of course he can only get non-caffeine related products :) Well guess what has happened now!?! Riley loves her Starbucks. We were in Target the other day doing some shopping and treated ourselves to some frappuccinos and they made her one just her size and well she LOVES just like Mommy, Daddy, and Bubba! Oh my what have we done?


Tony is a natural at football! The coach and ref said so :) Anthony LOVES football and it actually pretty good at it. He is FAST and that is what makes him so good. Tony scored the first touchdown of the game! He played all positions and was good at all of them, he sometimes forget it is flag football and tries to do things like stiff arm other players or jump on the ball instead of pulling off the flag :) But we won't fault him for his efforts! Of course he is just playing in the YMCA flag football league but he has fun and that is all that matters. We might move him up in fall but are still talking that over. For now he can enjoy a little flag football and get all that extra energy out! Riley loves to yell "Go Bubba Go!!" Of course she wants to get right in the middle of it and well she can be a handful at times!

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Friday, April 9, 2010

Coach Stevens

So many of you probably don't know who Coach Stevens is, but some of you might after Monday's NCAA Championship game. He is the head Coach of the Butler Bulldog team. He was a guest speaker at Anthony's school this morning for an All-Pro Dad's meeting. It was really cool that Ron got to take Anthony to this. Not only did he get to meet Coach Stevens he learned some life lessons. If there is an All-Pro Dad organization in your area high recommend it!!

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Easter!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter Sunday! We sure did, we spent Saturday in the car for 10 hours picking up Tony so it was wonderful to have him home! Riley woke up first Sunday morning, which is VERY rare. We brought her to our bed trying to keep her in there until Tony got up, that worked for a little bit. She got out of our bed and went to the living room to look from Tony and started to find the eggs. She came back into our room and yelled "Daddy Look". She learned very quickly there was candy in the eggs and didn't care if it had wrappers or not :) After a little bit Tony finally got up and they hunted for eggs and found their baskets. It was a great start to a wonderful day!!
No Easter Egg hunt this year :( I had planned on taking Riley Saturday morning before we left to get Tony but it was pouring down rain and got cancelled until 4:00 pm that day. So that didn't work out, I was so disappointed but then again I remember what this holiday is really about and Easter Egg hunts just don't seem that important.

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Friday, April 2, 2010


We will be on the road tomorrow picking up Anthony from his Mom, he was visiting during Spring Break, but all I have to say is GO DAWGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BUTLER, Are you a Bull DAWG???? HECK YA!!!
Look for my Mom and Dad on TV, since they are ticket season holders they got some tickets to the game :) I am so jealous but you better believe our car will be VERY loud on the way back to Indy!

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