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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Elmo LIVE!

Saturday we had a girls night out and my Mom and I took Riley to see Sesame Street Live, Elmo's Green thumb. It was awesome! Riley was in awe most of the time. She clapped along with all the songs and when songs were over she would clap :) She loved when Elmo and Cookie came out on stage and just watched with the most amazed look ever. It was a blast and so glad we are able to do things like this with her. I think my Mom and I enjoyed watching Riley more than the show. At intermission they brought out these huge Elmo balloons and well needless to say Miss One Track Mind would not let us leave without one! She is one persistent little thing!! While we were at Elmo the boys were working on the karts. They were going to go out and practice for today's race but it was called off due to rain so they just got everything ready for next weekend. Other than that we had a pretty laid back weekend, it rained a lot of our plans out so we stayed at home and hung out together and watched some racing!