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Saturday, September 29, 2007

More Soccer....

Tony had his second soccer game this morning. Tony is really starting to shine as a soccer player.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Clowns, Elephants, and Motorcycles, Oh My!

Should we join circus? I think we would make a good fit!
The whole family Ever seen a elephant paint?
Look at that smile :)
These two monkey's escaped!!
Is he coming after us?
Tony's favorite part!

We took Tony to the Circus on Sunday and he had a blast. My parents took him last year when we were in Hawaii and my Mom kept telling me how good of a time he had. Tony was watching television a couple of weeks before and came running into the kitchen yelling, I seriously thought something was wrong. He tells me we HAVE to go to the circus because they have motorcycles this year. So, we loaded up my parents van and headed downtown. It is so fun to watch him, he gets so wrapped up in what is going on. When we got home he said it was the best day of his life! It is always good to see him so happy :)

Monday, September 24, 2007

Let's go to a Luau!!

Matt, the "yellow shirt" and I. Matt was directing traffic on our road :) I had on a Hawaiian skirt too!! But, I had to ditch it in order to play some volleyball.
Ron was suppose to be doing Spirit Fingers with me! I am really not that crazy, I think.
Denny and I, if I remember right we had just won one of many volleyball games.

Denny, Danny, and Dennis in the Annual Volleyball Competition
Chris being goofy as always :)
Ron do you think it is safe to stand there?

Ron and I hosted the 3rd Annual Indianapolis Motor Speedway Food and Beverage Summer Bash at our house Saturday afternoon. This was the first time we had the bash at our house and let me tell you it was a lot of work! I wish I would have taken more pictures to show how great of time it was. We had volleyball, corn hole, and lots of reminiscing about the 2007 season. This is one of the many reasons why I love my job, I could not ask for a better group of people to work with.
I love them all!!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

First Game...

Playing hard
Motivation Words
Good Job!
Tony had his first soccer game on Saturday. They lost 3-0 :(
Tony played a great game and burned lots of energy!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Let's go racing!

Tag USA Kart
Future NASCAR Driver, Tony Petersen
Words of Wisdom
One more pep talk
2007 125 ICC Shifter Kart Champion!

Sunday was Ron and Tony's last points race of the year. It was great finish to the season. Ron finished 8th in the Tag race, Tony finished 5th in the kid karts, and Ron won a nail biting Shifter race on the last lap! Ron ended up 3rd in the Tag points and won the Shifter class points for the second straight year! Tony finished a strong 5th in points even with missing a few races in the summertime. Ron and Tony race again on Oct. 7th and Ron will race in the Endurance race on Oct. 13th. If you are close to us, come check them out before the year is over, as always we will be at New Castle Motorsports Park.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Coach Ron and First Goal!

Coach Ron
Tony on a mission
First Goal!!
Ouch that hurt :(
Tony had a scrimmage game today in soccer and the coach couldn't make it so Ron filled in as coach. It was so fun to watch all the kids get along and really listen to Ron. Tony had an injury, kicked in the head with cleats, but he quickly rebounded after some words of wisdom from the coach. He got even with his first goal!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me :)

The dogs have to eat too!
Tony just couldn't stand waiting for cake!
I just wanted to thank everyone for a wonderful birthday! I couldn't of asked for a better day. Tony had a good time helping me open presents and Chase tried to help too. We went to my parents house for dinner and wouldn't of had it any other way. Thanks again for all the birthday wished, I felt loved!!

Monday, September 10, 2007

One Year Anniversary and Dario wins!

Dan Wheldon
Dancing with the stars newest contestant!!
Start of the race
Dario's team celebrating the win and championship

Being that our first official date was to the U.S. National drag races Ron and I felt it would be appropriate to head to Chicagoland to the Indy Car Series race for our one year anniversary. I have to say being a race fan all my life this was not only an awesome facility but, the racing was some of the best I have seen in awhile. Tony has a blast too even though our driver, Dan Wheldon, race out of gas with 6 laps to go.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Soccer Time!

Anthony's Team

Anthony is playing soccer this fall with the YMCA. So far he loves it. He wakes up at the crack of dawn telling us we are going to be late. It seems to be a good way to get some of the energy he has out!!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Our First Post!

I decided to start a blog for fun and to see if it would be easier for everyone to keep up-to-date on our lives. It seems a little easier than myspace or other random sites out there. Hopefully you find this a fun way to see what we go through during our crazy summers and somewhat peaceful winters, wait what is peaceful? Hope you all enjoy it, I know Anthony sure is excited ;)