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Monday, September 24, 2007

Let's go to a Luau!!

Matt, the "yellow shirt" and I. Matt was directing traffic on our road :) I had on a Hawaiian skirt too!! But, I had to ditch it in order to play some volleyball.
Ron was suppose to be doing Spirit Fingers with me! I am really not that crazy, I think.
Denny and I, if I remember right we had just won one of many volleyball games.

Denny, Danny, and Dennis in the Annual Volleyball Competition
Chris being goofy as always :)
Ron do you think it is safe to stand there?

Ron and I hosted the 3rd Annual Indianapolis Motor Speedway Food and Beverage Summer Bash at our house Saturday afternoon. This was the first time we had the bash at our house and let me tell you it was a lot of work! I wish I would have taken more pictures to show how great of time it was. We had volleyball, corn hole, and lots of reminiscing about the 2007 season. This is one of the many reasons why I love my job, I could not ask for a better group of people to work with.
I love them all!!