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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

2 months old!

Riley turned two months old today! She had her two month well baby appointment today too, she now weighs 8.15 lbs and is 21 3/8 long. She is in the lower percentile in both weight and length, I think she is going to be small like Tony. She had her first round of shots today too and took them like a champ, of course she cried but it didn't last long. We have to go back in a month for a weight check, they like for babies to gain 2 pounds a month but she only gain 1 pound. No more shots for two more months thank goodness, I was more upset than her :)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Colt's Halloween Party

For Anthony's birthday we got him a membership to the Colt's kids club. We have never been able to do any of the activities they have because most of them are during the summer when Anthony is gone. Well, it finally paid off, tonight we went to the Kid's Club Halloween party at Lucas Oil Stadium. It was awesome! We got to go into the Colt's locker room and play around on the field. It was cool that Anthony chose to be a Colt's player this year :) The pictures turned out cool! I wish I would have taken more but we were too busy just taking it all in. There were a ton of people there so we didn't get to play any of the games, the lines we huge! But we had a blast anyways. Next year we know to leave work early and get down there as soon as it opens so we have more time.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Sunday afternoon we went to the zoo for their Halloween celebration called ZooBOO. We have a friend that works at the Zoo and he "treated" us to a great day. It was Riley's first trip to the zoo and she was actually awake for most of the day. Tony had a blast and got to wear his Halloween costume, he is a Colts football player this year.
We started off at the new exhibit all about sharks, you actually get to touch a shark!! Tony thought it was pretty cool, I think we stayed here the longest. We headed over to the roller coaster after the sharks and I was afraid we wouldn't get Tony off the thing. I was laughing the whole time because Tony was wearing his football helmet and it was so funny to see his head bobbing back and forth. After the roller coast we started trick or treating. We got to see most of the animals while trick or treating, even Chase's brothers the wild dogs! After that we headed to the train, it was starting to get pretty cold by this point in time. On our way Tony did some pumpkin bowling and played a bunch of games. It was a fun and cheap day thanks to our friend Dexter!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

My Suzie Homemakers :)

Last Saturday Anthony spent the night with Grandma Terri and Papa Steve. When we picked him up Sunday he had a surprise for Riley. Grandma had taught him how to sew and he made Riley a blanket. He is so proud of his blanket, anytime we leave the house he makes sure she has it. He also makes sure and tells anyone that will listen that he made her a blanket. He is such a good big brother!

In March Ron and I bought a bunch of seeds and were going to plant a garden. Well the next thing we knew it was April and I was at work all the time. So Ron took it upon himself to plant the garden on afternoon. When I got home that night he was so proud, the only thing is he planted all these seeds in a tiny little area. I wasn't too hopefully that anything would grow. He kind of gave up at some point during the summer on taking care of it. So, when we were cleaning up the little area we were surprise to find carrots. Well as you see above that was one crazy carrot he grew. Just like Tony he is so proud of his carrot. As most of you know our dog eats salad for dinner, including carrots. Chase won't touch these carrots so that makes me a little leery since he eats everything! They will be going to the trash and we will try again next spring :)

Monday, October 20, 2008


The three amigos picking out pumpkins!
Don't drop her!!
Are you sure you can pick that up?
I still don't believe you!
Ok you can get that one
Aww what a good big brother! He loves holding his sister.
Tony with all of our pumpkins.
Riley kept wanting to suck her fists
Ron trying to fix her hands so she can't get to them
Ha, I can still get to my fist Dad!

We are trying to make a family tradition of going to Beasley Orchard every year and picking out our pumpkin to carve for Halloween. I worried with Riley the weather wouldn't cooperate but we were able to keep the tradition going this year and headed out after soccer on Saturday. It was a little cool but a very good day to go. We rode the hayride out to the pumpkin patch. Tony found his pumpkin first, this year in order for him to get it he had to carry it! That was tough for him he wanted all the big pumpkins. Ron and I found out pumpkins shortly after Tony. We had to hunt for a small pumpkin for Riley, it took us a while but we finally found one. I would say she helped but she slept the entire time we were there. It was a great tradition to continue and Ron and I both look forward to many more years at the pumpkin patch!

Sunday morning Ron and I got up and headed to Mansfield to the Cover Bridge Festival. Ron's parents had Tony and my parents had Riley. It was very strange being gone that long from them. We are use to it with Tony since he is always on the go but Ron and I both struggled a little with being gone from Riley. We went to a wedding Friday night and my parents kept both kids but that was only a couple of hours. I guess it was good practice since I go back to work next week. I took my camera out of my purse since I didn't think I would need it but I so wish I would of had it to take picture of the gorgeous trees changing colors. It was a good day for Ron and I to spend some time together, since we haven't had any of that lately :) We also got a good start on Christmas presents, it was the last day of the festival everyone had all their stuff on sale!

Last Soccer game of the season!

Anthony's last soccer game of the season was on Saturday . It was fun to watch his team improve over the season. They tied 3-3 but played so much better than the first game of the year. Anthony has improved not only his soccer skills but also his communication and team work skills. I was very proud of how well he did this season, and how much he grew as not only a player but a good team mate. It is now time to figure out what is next this winter. It will either be swimming lessons or karate, we haven't decided yet. We do know he has to be involved in something he helps him release all that energy he has!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Rock Climbing!

The birthday girl Samantha!
Tony almost to the top!

Here are some pictures from Samantha's birthday party at Climb Time Indy!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Soccer Time

I think we need to tell him he isn't on the track team!

Riley working on her thriller dance
I almost caught a smile on camera!
She is getting so big, she holds her head up most of the time now!
Her face is priceless! Look at that belly :)

It was again another crazy weekend. Friday night we went to Climb Time Indy for Samantha's birthday party. Anthony was a pro and rock climbing, that doesn't surprise me. I have always said he was part monkey with the way he is always climbing on things. Hopefully I will be able to add some picture once I get them, I forgot the camera. It was a crazy evening but we all had a blast.

Saturday morning was soccer, Anthony was goalie for the second half of the game. He needs some practice stopping but the ball but made a huge improvement on drop kicking the ball out of the goalie box. Even he was surprised on how well he did. His team lost, he is taking losing a lot better than he did the first game :) Only one more game left for the season. After soccer we loaded up and went to my work. They were having a boy scout event so my department was working. We went to dinner with everyone afterwards and it was great to spend some time with them. Anthony had a blast playing with everyone, yes I work with a bunch of guys that act like kids :)

Ron and I spent Sunday taking down the pool and cleaning the house. It was a big day for Anthony, he got to ride his bike to a friends house, just down the road. We have kept Anthony shelter up in this house for so long we decided it was time he needed to learn some responsibility and we needed to let go some. He was suppose to be home at 3:30 and at 3:28 he showed up on our porch with two boys and they ended up staying until 6:30 that night. It was good to hear our house full of laughter. Anthony had a blast and got lots of energy out!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Last weekend of Racing for the Season

It was another hectic weekend with racing on both Saturday and Sunday and soccer on Saturday. It was a sad weekend in racing, Tony raced his last kid kart race. He will officially move up next year to the Junior Sportsman He has been practicing some in his "new" kart so next year should be a good learning experience for him. Him moving up makes it real that he is actually growing up and getting older. Tony finished 7th on Saturday and 5th on Sunday. Even though he finished 5th on Sunday I think that was the best I had seen him run. He was very focused and did an awesome job! Oh and the soccer game was good too, they lost 6-1 but the team they played was an awesome team and even Tony knew how good they were.

Ron had three poles this weekend, two wins in the Stock Moto class and a 2nd and 4th in the TAG class. It was a great way to finish out the year. I think they have figured out the TAG kart and should be a force to reckoned with next year! It is always bitter sweet at the last race of the year. For me I look forward to having a few normal weekends but then I think what is normal? For us, normal is being at the track we all miss it during the winter! It will be a long winter but Ron is ready to start preparing for next year. I think we have plenty to keep us busy this winter so hopefully April will come fast!