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Sunday, November 23, 2008

More faces of Riley

Since my last post of the many faces of Riley she has changed so much. She smiles all the time now and even laughs some! She has the best facial expressions in my opinion, I can already see how she is going to be when she get older. She is quite the talker, she is going to be just like Tony ;) She rolled over last week and everyone missed it! My Mom had Riley in her crib while she went to throw away a diaper and when she came back she was on her tummy. She has rolled over three more times. Riley has great head control for her age, which is officially 12 weeks now! She seems to be gaining weight, we are finally out of newborn diapers, but she can still fit in most of her newborn clothes. We go back to the doctor the week after thanksgiving for a weight check, hopefully it is a good one.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Children's Museum

Ian and Anthony checking out the dinosaurs
They are hunting dinosaurs
Now they are hiding from the dinosaurs
Special request for Terri, I do exists!

Today has been another busy day in the life of the Petersen's. We had our Christmas picture taken this morning and they turned out great! I can't wait to get them back.

Tony has been saving his money for a month to take his best friend Ian to the Children's Museum. If you don't remember Ian is his best friend ever :) In my opinion we are very lucky to have such a great museum in town for kids. Tony learns something every time we go there. This time they were hunting dinosaurs, we stayed in the Dinosphere for over an hour watching them play with their imagination,much better than video games! We had a blast and the boys are playing a Pokemon board game now. I have a feeling it is going to be a wild night!
I am going to start packing for Missouri, we are headed there for Thanksgiving and I am sure Ron is going to keep the boys under control, whatever that is!

Friday, November 7, 2008


Tony's way of raking leaves.

Our dancing dog, Chase!

Riley loves bath time!

Is that even a word, randomness? We don't have much going on this weekend, I really don't know what to do! So I thought I would add some random pictures we have taken in the past couple of weeks. Anthony is not feeling well and Ron and I are both exhausted since Riley likes to wake up a lot in the middle of the night. It wasn't so bad the first 8 weeks but now that I am back to work it isn't as much fun. I am sure she will get the sleeping down soon. I think this will be a lazy weekend, we don't get those often and I think we could all use it. Of course I say that and I am sure we will find something to do!

Monday, November 3, 2008

2008 KRA Banquet

Saturday was the KRA championship banquet. Ron, Tony, Terri, Riley, and I headed up to New Castle for an eventful evening. Steve is slacking down in Florida, so he missed it. I think everyone asked where he was at, he was definitely missed. Even though Ron and Tony didn't win a championship this year it was an awesome year and a good learning experience for both of them! Ron won some good prizes and we all had a great time. It is nice to visit without all the chaos of race day.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!

We had a great time trick-or-treating! Anthony got a ton of candy like usual and Riley slept through half of it. We walked around our neighborhood then headed up to the fire and police station. We were all wore out by the time we got home :)