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Monday, October 26, 2009

Gatlinburg Day 1!

My Mom and I talked last year about this time about headed down to the Smoky Mountains during fall break to see the leaves. Early Spring I brought it back up and we made plans to go!
We left Indy Wednesday about 4:00 pm and headed down to Gatlinburg. It took us about 6 1/2 hours to get there. Traffic was horrible for about the first 3 hours. When we got to Gatlinburg we were surprised by our cabin. It was IN the mountains. It took us forever to get to it. My Mom had called earlier in the day to tell us on their way down from the mountain they had seen a bear. We were so jealous!
Our Cabin!
Game Room!
We couldn't of asked for a better cabin, it had everything we could want. Tony loved the pool table and hot tub!

We started the day off with some breakfast at the cabin overlooking some beautiful views! We then headed into the Great Smoky National Park. We started with my lovely misdirections and just drove thought the park for a little bit. Pulled over and had a picnic lunch. We then headed over to Laurel Falls. It was a 1.3 mile hike up the mountains but holy cow it was beautiful! The one thing I wish we could of done more of while were there was hike to waterfalls.
Riley wasn't too sure of the waterfall. It scared her, it was really loud and she whimpered the whole time. She was great on the way there though, everyone we passed she said hi to.

After the waterfall hike we headed over to the Roaring Forks Auto Tour. This was a beautiful drive. This was the route the first settlers took to get through the smoky mountains. It was a one lane curvy road, but it was amazing! Riley finally took a nap through here but she sure did miss some cool sites. I highly recommend this hour drive if you are ever down there.

After a yummy home cooked dinner, we stayed in after our long day and had steak on the grill! Ron, Tony, and I headed back towards to Gatlinburg for some Hillbilly Golf. It was a pretty neat, and very old miniature golf course. You right up the side of the mountain and the play your way down. We had a blast, it was good to be out in the fresh mountain air and have some fun!
Yes Ron is going to hit Tony with a golf club, read this sign below :)
For some reason we all thought these signs were hilarious. Maybe it was the exhaustion of the day or maybe we are just that immature. My vote it the second option!


Cara said...

Hillbilly Golf is one of my family's favorites! :)

Love your pics. Makes me want to head there now!