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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Second place by a......

This was the finish to KRA race #7 this past weekend.
Ron came in second, which normally he would be a little bummed about. I think they got the set-up all figured out and he was beyond excited to be back running up front!! Ron and Steve spent most of the day Saturday working on the kart and it sure did pay off! Ron has a double header this weekend so if you are looking for something to do this holiday weekend head on out to New Castle :) I am looking for a win this weekend!!

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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Piggy Tails

Can someone tell me how my baby became a big girl?

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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Told you she was a monkey....

Climbing trees already!

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Water Fun!

Riley loves outside and she loves the water! So we got her a pool that she can play, for the most part she loves it but she won't sit down in it. We played in it last night and she loves to splash and be splashed then scream as loud as she can :) Oh what fun!! Notice not one picture is she looking at the camera, she refuses because Mommy wants her too.....
Yep stubborn just like her Mommy :)

Hopefully many more blog posts to come, I finally charged the batteries in the camera so I can start taking pictures again!

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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Cheap Entertainment

Title says it all, Tony and Riley are cheap entertainment for Ron and I :) Always creative!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Pictures from KRA race 5

So for some reason I thought I had much better picture than these, but there they are anyways :)

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Where are you!?!

Yep we are all still alive, I keep meaning to update the blog from the race two weekends ago, I got some really good pictures. I just can't seem to find the time. The past 4 nights we have had some nasty storms so that keeps me off the computer. I have also started reading the Percy Jackson series, thanks Tony, and I seem to read any free time I have! We are all surviving. Kind of quiet and boring at out house right now. Tony has been gone to his Mom's for about a week and a half now and Riley is NOT liking that he is gone. We are counting down the days til he gets home. It cannot come soon enough!

Riley is learning so many new things I can't keep up. We have started potty training, kind of, so we will see how that goes. She shows interested in learning but we are all still learning how to help her :) We have made paci's nighttime only and are hoping to get rid of them by her second birthday. I just don't want her to pick up the thumb sucking habit, I had that forever, I can't get rid of her thumb :) She is such a girly girl yet such a tom boy at the same time. She keeps us laughing all the time!

Ron likes his new job, he started at Pep Boys about 2 months ago. I LOVE the hours but don't love the pay. But he took this job knowing it would be hard on us for a little bit but he is so much happier and he gets to be apart of things he missed out on before because he was at work. One the racing end, this year seems to be a year of testing out new set-ups and trying to find more speed. He races the next three weekends so if you are in the area head out to New Castle Motorsports Park and check it out. We have a blast!!

As for me I have recovered from the 500 and trying to get back on a normal schedule and get back into a routine but it is hard without Tony. At times the kid can drive me up the wall and push every button he knows how to :) but life is just not the same with him gone. My Mom and I have been garage saleing up a storm lately and have gotten some really great things. I love to garage sale, since I have a shopping problem I guess I can justify it when I am only spend quarters and dollars on stuff!!

Pictures to come I promise, I would say you won't believe how big Riley is getting but we all know she is not big! We went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago for nursemaid's elbow (her elbow was out of socket, ouch!) and she weigh 20.8 pounds. Not to bad for 21 months, right!?! Oh well she is happy and that is all the matter to me!!

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Working hard for his money...

Anthony is officially a 5th Grader!!!!!!!!!! How did that happen? It seems just like yesterday we were taking pictures of the first day of school. I took him to work with me on Friday, since I was the only one there and I just had a few things to finish up. He worked hard while he was there, he did some major filing!! Once we left work we had some errands to run then home to mow the yard. Tony is just a little bit too small to mow the yard but we are trying to teach him how to do it. Needless the say the boy was a machine and mowed over half the backyard and almost all the front yard!! Tony gets a weekly allowance and we have added mowing to his list of chores. So yes he was working hard for his money :)

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

2010 Indianapols 500!!

One of my many groups!

Right above my office!!

Well our family survived another Indianapolis 500. Ron and Tony got to come out and watch the race in what has turned out to be the hottest 500 in HISTORY!! What a crazy and long day! Ron and I are toasted and then there is little Tony who is just as tan as can be. Riley stayed with Papa Steve because she has been sick the past week and he offered and Ron accepted :) I have a few pictures from that but I have to get them from Ron. Tony got into a water fight with some much older girls, Ron and I will be having a talk about his soon! My cousin came up for the race and it was good to see some family. But honestly I live at work and didn't get to spend much time with him or Ron and the kids. I ate some lunch with my Mom and Dad, who ended up laving early because of the heat and I wish I could of went with them! Glad life will go back to normal somewhat soon and I can catch up on some much needed SLEEP! But also a little sad it is over, you work so hard and so long for something then the next thing you know it is here and gone. Until then next event, which is only 52 days away!

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