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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

2010 Indianapols 500!!

One of my many groups!

Right above my office!!

Well our family survived another Indianapolis 500. Ron and Tony got to come out and watch the race in what has turned out to be the hottest 500 in HISTORY!! What a crazy and long day! Ron and I are toasted and then there is little Tony who is just as tan as can be. Riley stayed with Papa Steve because she has been sick the past week and he offered and Ron accepted :) I have a few pictures from that but I have to get them from Ron. Tony got into a water fight with some much older girls, Ron and I will be having a talk about his soon! My cousin came up for the race and it was good to see some family. But honestly I live at work and didn't get to spend much time with him or Ron and the kids. I ate some lunch with my Mom and Dad, who ended up laving early because of the heat and I wish I could of went with them! Glad life will go back to normal somewhat soon and I can catch up on some much needed SLEEP! But also a little sad it is over, you work so hard and so long for something then the next thing you know it is here and gone. Until then next event, which is only 52 days away!

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