Donate to the Petersen Racing American Heart Association Heart Walk Team

Monday, August 23, 2010

WWE in the Petersen household!

Our house is always a circus! I don't know who is crazier the kids or the dog..... Needless to say lately our house has been like going to a WWE Smackdown wrestling match. Riley has turned into quite the wrestler, I think my Dad has taught her that skill. Tony and her have a blast playing every night. Sometime I think it might be a little too rough, but that would be my lovely daughter that would be rough. She is going to start leaving marks on Tony that we might have to explain!! At least I have proof now :) Then there is Chase, I don't really know how to explain our crazy dog other than he has to be in the middle of EVERYTHING. Check out the video below, need I say more....

Short clip but check out Chase, REALLY dog?

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5th Grade!!!

Tony started the 5th grade last week! I can't believe we are a year away from middle school, EEKS!! So far so good, he really likes his teacher! He had her last year for math so at least she is already aware of Tony and his "talking" issues :) They have gotten better this year but I think the poor kid is always going to talk! I did remind him this was the last year he would have to be quiet in the hallway, since you switch classes in middle school and high school, he was relieved about that! Crossing our fingers for a great last year at Delaware Trail! It has been a great elementary school for Tony. We have had are ups and downs but hoping we end it right!

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Start! Heart Walk

We are walking for the American Heart Association again this year. Instead of doing individual donations we are registered as a team for Tony Petersen Racing! If you would like to donate and help us hit our goal please head on over to Tony's website and you can get to the donation page through the link at the top. The walk is September 18th so you have a few weeks to get your donations in! Take a look around his website, it is constantly changing and don't forget to leave Tony a comment, he loves to know he has fans out there!

Check it out at:

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Monday, August 16, 2010

The Next American Idol.....

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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Mini Vacation Day #3

I think we wore them out.....

The last day of our mini vacation was kind of laid back. We got up slowly and packed everything up and then headed back to downtown Chicago. We really didn't have much plans this day because it was HOT. We knew we didn't want to go to the zoo so we headed back to Grant Park and checked out Buckingham Fountain. It was pretty cool, but I have heard they have a really cool light show at night. That is on out list to check out when we go back! After the Buckingham fountain Tony really wanted to go back Navy Pier and look for a pocket knife, he has been obsessed lately, who knows!?! Once we got done shopping we decided to have lunch at Harry Caray's and I have to say another must stop if you visit. Ron and I both had the best hamburger ever! Tony had a club sandwich from the adult menu and ate the entire thing! After lunch it was time to head back to the car and back to Indiana. All in all it was a fairly cheap trip and I am so glad we got out of town for a few days! It gave us some good time with Tony before school started and getting back into our normal routine. A much needed break from real world :)

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Friday, August 13, 2010

Mini Vacation Day #2

By far one of my favorite pictures ever, the looks on their faces is priceless!

We were going to start day two off by getting up and having brunch at the Chicago Zoo. But, we woke up kind of late and it was raining when we woke up so we started out morning out kind of slow. We ate breakfast I had brought from home and just laid around for a little bit, we watch Pretty Woman which makes me laugh when I think about it. Once the rain ended we headed back to the subway and back to the Navy Pier. We rode the water taxi to the Shedd Aquarium from the Pier, Riley LOVED the boat ride but wanted to go swimming. The Shedd Aquarium was having a promotion with Bank of America if you had an account with them you got in free, we only ended up having to pay for Tony so that was a plus! It was a pretty neat place, we all really enjoyed it. After the aquarium we walked through Grant Park, as much as we could there was a huge concert going on, and then we walked to Millennium Park. The kids played in the water and we weren't prepared for that, they were soaked and poor Tony didn't have any dry clothes, but he still says it was worth it . After what seemed like forever we headed over to the "bean" at Millennium park. This was a must see on my list at Chicago and it did not disappoint! Tony couldn't understand why I wanted to go see it until we got there and he realized how cool it was! By this point we were all exhausted and rode back to where we were staying and walked to a pizza joint, another must on our list was REAL Chicago style pizza and Giordano's was OUTSTANDING! Comes highly recommended by all of us the next time you visit Chicago!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mini Vacation Day 1

Saturday morning we took off to Rockford Illinois to pick up Tony! We couldn't wait, it was a very long summer without him. We decided last minute, like Monday afternoon, that we needed a little vacation. Most everyone knows we are following the Dave Ramsey plan and aren't suppose to be taking and vacations but we have done really good lately and honestly we NEEDED it. So I used priceline to get a hotel and we ended up at the Hyatt at O'hare airport for $45.00 a night! We didn't tell Tony we were going, which was hilarious. Once we parked at the hotel Ron and I acted like we were lost and were "arguing" (which never really happens so he was MAJORLY confused) then we both said, fine lets just go on vacation. The poor kid didn't know what to think :) But once we realized what was going on he was super excited. We got all checked in and walked to the "L" train stop right down the road from our hotel and took it downtown. We wanted to go to Navy Pier that night because they have fireworks every Saturday night in the summer time. We took the free trolley to the Pier from the subway stop. Riley didn't know what to think about riding in the trolley without a car seat! We ate dinner at the pier and we rode the Ferris wheel and Tony rode the swings, this was a splurge but it was worth it! After walking around for a bit it was firework time and they were awesome! Poor Riley was so tired she feel asleep before the fireworks and slept through the whole show. She woke up as we were getting on the subway to head back to the hotel. We had a lot of fun but we were tired, it was 1:00 am before we got back to the hotel and 2:00 am before we all got to bed. Talk about some wired kids and some tired parents!

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