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Sunday, September 19, 2010

KRA Race 12

Last weekend Ron and Tony had the 12th race of the year. Ron finished 5th and Tony finished 7th and 10th. Riley and I didn't go out to New Castle, too much going on and honestly just needed some time to catch up and spent some good time with my parents! They have a double header next weekend, Sept 25th and 26th! If you are around you should come out and support the boys!

Riley's birthday party!

We had a very small birthday party for Riley on Labor Day. It was just us and the Grandparents over for some yummy food and a small celebration! This were just a little too crazy between going Moto GP, Dallas for a week, to kart racing, and who knows what else to plan a birthday party. Riley had a blast with the people she loves the most and that was all the matters. We ate some dinner, cake, and opened presents. Steve and Terri got Riley a cat that rolls around and laughs hysterically. Riley was scared of it first and everyone was laughing at her. Once she realized it wasn't scary she realized she had an audience she continues to be "scared" of it. I am telling you we have a future star on our hands! Riley went around singing happy birthday for two weeks after her party!

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Piano lessons?

Tony has taught himself a song on Grandma Terri's piano and Riley loves to play with him! These two crack me up :) Riley has loved the piano for as long as I can remember. And yes those are curlers in her hair, see below post! Maybe we need to invest in lessons....or not because who knows when I would fit that into our already crazy schedule!

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Steve and Terri kept the kids a couple of weekends ago so Ron and I could go to the U.S. Nationals. When we went back to their house to pick them up Riley had curlers in her hair! I LOVE this picture. She is so stubborn anymore and won't smile or even look at the camera. I love how big her smile is :)

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Quick Catch-up Post

So there is lots going on in the Petersen Household lately so this is going to cover a few of them! Ron and I both are starting new jobs in a week window. I started with LifeScience Logistics in Brownsburg yesterday and Ron starts at CarQuest on Thursday. We are both beyond excited for the opportunities that have been put in front of us!

Tony also started a new before/after school program and LOVES it. He was getting bullied at his old place and after lots of research we found this new place and it is such a better fit for him. He started flag football Saturday and is getting better and better. Riley and I stayed home since it was raining so I will have to make sure we get some good pictures the next practice.

Riley well Riley is just Riley, learning lots and always on the go! As you can see from the pictures above :) Never give your 2 year old a "puppy" cup from Starbucks with chocolate syrup and carmel. If you can't tell she is COVERED in goop as Ron called it. We were out running errands and Ron had to drop me off at a store and take her home for a quick bath. Good thing we were right down the road from home!
Chase is a pig.....What more can I say!?! Well other than he ate an ENTIRE bag of Oreo cookies. My Mom had just opened the package and left it on the counter and so Fat dog got a hold of them and ate the all.
That is about all on the Petersen household for now. I do have a few other posts to update so hopefully I can get those done soon. That is if life can slow down a little bit!

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Kart Racing Update

It seems like it has been forever since the last racing update. They have raced the past two weekends. On 8/29 Tony had two 9th place finishes and Ron finished 4th. On 9/3 Tony finished 12th and 14th and Ron finished 3rd. Still trying to get some set-up things worked out other than that it has been a learning season on what works and what doesn't. Ron says they are getting fast and better but so it the competition! Only 4 races left plus Ron will race in the endurance race, which is my favorite race of the year!

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Monday, September 6, 2010

Red Bull Indianapolis GP

Last weekend was my last event at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. It was kind of a bittersweet day, but honestly I know it is time to move one and can't wait for my next move. The Moto GP race is quickly becoming my favorite race and glad they signed for one more year so I can go back next year as a race fan! I am going to miss all the people I work with but won't miss the crazy hours and the stressful times. The Moto GP is a great event, less hours and almost a sigh of relief when it was over because that means we lived through another event season! 7 seasons or 20 races later I have put in my time and the speedway and ready to move on. I will dedicate another post just towards my new job, might have an update on Ron as well! Told you lots going on in the Petersen house!

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Sunday, September 5, 2010


August 29th Riley turned two years old! I can't believe it has been two years, it has been a fast two years that is for sure! Ron and Tony raced on her birthday and I worked all day. So it was a late party at our house. I don't think you could even call it a party. By the time everyone got cleaned up from the long day we opened some presents and didn't even get to the cupcakes. We stayed small this year with just a few gifts. The play kitchen was a hit and Tony got her some "piggy" polish that she LOVES! We have having the grandparents over tomorrow for a small get together and will hopefully get to the cake then!

Lots going on in the Petersen household so expect lots of updates coming soon!

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