Can you believe Anthony is 11!?! I would say Anthony had the best birthday ever. It started off with the Melting Pot for dinner on his actual birthday with the both set of Grandparents. It was some place that Anthony had been to before and LOVED and we had always wanted to go. I don't know that I will go back again, it was good yet expensive but I think my fondue that we make on Valentine's Day was better. Anyways Tony got some really cool things like new games for his PSP, Colt's sheets, 11 $10.00 bills, and who could forget tickets to see the Colts that weekend in the playoff!!! Oh and it was in a suite! I was going to ground him so he couldn't go and I could go ;)
The Friday after his birthday he had a few friends over and we all went ice skating. It was so crazy trying to get the boys calm, feed, and out the door that I left without my camera. I was so mad when I realize it. Most of the boys did pretty well ice skating but it was fun to watch them all knock each other down when one fell down they all fell down. After freezing to death we came home and they had a sleep over. Let me tell you 4 boys sleeping in Tony's room was quite interesting! I have no clue what time they fell asleep but I know it was after 3:00 am.
They all left around 11:00 the next morning and Tony was on his way to his Papa's house to get ready for the game. Even though the Colts lost :( Tony had a blast! Overall I have to say a pretty darn good birthday :) I hope he doesn't expect birthday like this every year!
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