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Monday, March 30, 2009

Chase kind of likes her :)

Chase has not been a big fan of Riley's since we brought her home. He has really started to warm up to her, especially since she shares her food with him :) I was trying to catch Riley on video crawling and Chase had to steal the spotlight, and to think I was worried about Tony getting jealous!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

7 Months old!

Look how little she was!
My big girl now, she loves to smile and laugh!

Wow time goes by faster and fast each month! This has been a big month for firsts! Riley has learned how to crawl, pull herself up, she feeds herself crackers and puffs like a pro (she likes to share with Chase), she sits up without any issues, and she has now added peaches to her diet :) She is going to be walking before we know it! I guess it is officially time to start child proofing the house!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Soccer Time again!

Anthony had his first soccer practice last night! I think he is on an awesome team this year, and he is really excited about it. His couch really seems to know what he is doing and is great at keeping the kids all on track and motivated. We will see how this year goes, has to be better than last year :)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The house is on lockdown!

This video is from Sunday and she is now a much better crawler! She is all over the place :) She is still learning on the hardwood floors but she has carpet down!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Geocaching Fun!

We decided to go for a walk down to the park today and we printed out some caches just for fun. Since the last two times haven't been that successful we really didn't think much of this trip. We didn't have much luck the first one so we moved on to the second one. Guess who found it, I did :) Ron and I were both very excited, Tony and his friends thought it was pretty cool too, they didn't really understand it at first. We moved on to the third one and Ron found it right away. We decided to go back to the first one and one of the boys the came with us found it. We had a blast and I am already trying to figure out when we can go again. If you like the outdoors then this is definitely something you have to try! We ended up hiking around the woods for almost two hours, we are all exhausted!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

First day at the track!

Tony had his first day of practice today in his new kart! I was a little worried how he would handle it but let me say the boy did an outstanding job! He was so excited all week and had a count down until he could go practice. The first thing out of his mouth this morning was, "what time are we leaving?" He ran for a good 3 hours just getting some good seat time and adjusting to the difference. Steve called tonight and said he ran 86 laps! Heck, he ran almost half of the endurance race! He was tired when it came time to go home. I bet he sleeps good tonight :)
Ron and I have spent the evening watching some great basketball games and of course the movie Twilight since it came out today! I had it rented at Redbox first thing this morning. I think I got Ron addicted as well, don't tell anyone I am sure he doesn't want anyone to know :) Can't wait for more basketball tomorrow and just a relaxing day, that is the plan anyways and well we all know things never go as planned!

Not a good thing!

This is how I found Riley this morning when I went in to get her up. Needless to say after a fall from our bed earlier in the week, her bed was lowered immediately! We knew she could stand up from a sitting position but never did I dream she would be able to get up from laying down. Oh the little monkey is growing.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ron got a job!

Not that I advertised on the blog that Ron was laid off his job right after Thanksgiving, it was a rough time for us and things didn't end like we would of hoped. Well, after searching and searching he found a job, Hubler Chevrolet in Greenwood! It will be a good drive for him, good thing he likes to drive. I was having a hard time keeping him busy at home :) It was nice to have him home when I got home but, that is all going to change now since he will be working some crazy hours! I am just glad he is back out there doing something he enjoys doing. It was a big confident booster for him because they really wanted him. In the long run I know he will be happy and I can wait for him to start on this new adventure! Everything happens for a reason :) I know lots of you out there knew about this and kept us in your thoughts and was always on the look out for a job so I thank you all for that!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Relaxing weekend!

Ron and I had a very relaxing weekend! I spend Saturday shopping with my Mom and we had a blast and bought so much stuff for so little money! By far one of my favorite things to do, Ron says I have a shopping problem, but I get really good deals on things we have to have, that is how I justify it :) Ron and Tony spent the day at Steve and Terri's working on the karts and getting everything ready for the first race. Only 19 more days, from what Tony tells me. Can you tell he is excited? We then spent the evening catching up on all our shows, I think we watched 4 hours of CSI. Sunday we spent the day enjoying the wonderful weather outside. We cleaned up all the flower beds and got everything ready for this spring. Riley loved being outside. Tony spent the night with his Papa since Grandma was out of town, he needed to take care of him from what he told me :) We met up with Steve and Terri and had dinner and watched the selection show. A little disappointed where Butler was playing, I was hoping it would be in Dayton so my parents would go. I can't wait for Thursday! Is it sad a co-worker and I spent about an hour working on getting the channel to come in on the TV at work?
I promise we are not neglecting Tony, he is just never home when I get the camera out! One busy little boy, he has quite the social life now, I think he has more of a social life that Ron and I! I will get some thing weekend I promise, I think he is headed out to New Castle for some practice before the big race.

Monday, March 16, 2009

She is a growing girl!

Riley had her 6 month doctor's appointment last week. She weights 13.6 pounds and is 26 inches long! Holy cow has she grown. The doctor said she was "perfect", of course we already knew that :) Sometimes I don't think she is so perfect when she is up in the middle of the night! They gave us a few suggestions on how to break the middle of the night feedings, it is going slow but we have lengthen her sleeping time. She only gets up once, well for the most part aways. As my Mom said today, we have to get this taken care of before May! She is practicing drinking out of a cup and is still expanding her taste buds. She loves sweet potatoes, corn, applesauce, and crackers! I am just glad the next appointment doesn't consist of shots!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What a wekend :)

We had qualifying on the TV Friday night and Riley was in her highchair glued to the TV :) I think she will fit right in with this family! She got mad with Ron blocked the TV, just like Mommy.

We had a great weekend! The weather was awesome, as Tony would say. We spend most of Saturday day geocaching and we had a blast! Didn't find anything but I think it was because we didn't have the GPS set right. We went hiking through Eagle Creek park then went to anther park in Clermont. We spend Saturday night at the Butler game with my parents, and it was a great game. Too bad they lost the Championship game last night :(
Sunday Tony went to his friend Ian's house and Ron and I went caching again only this time we stayed close to him. We have a great park within walking distance with some really great trails. I found two caches located in there so off we went with Steve's GPS. Still didn't find anything but we didn't get to look for too long, it was getting late and Riley was getting cold. We can't wait for the next warm weekend so we can go again!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Best Big Brother Ever!

What is the Bubba doing in my bed?!?
YAY play time with the bubba!

Anthony is a super duper big brother and Riley knows it! She loves it when he walks into a room, you can see her whole face light up. She loves to help with bath time and feeding times. He plays with her a lot, and just loves being a help. This is how I found him the other day when I was getting Riley ready for bath time. He was in her crib! Do you remember this post?
I think he likes cribs :)

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Jumping Monkey!

Thanks David, Misty and Madison for the Johnny Jump up. Riley loves it :)

Please notice her "cough" she has recently learned this and it cracks me up! She is going to be a drama queen, wonder where she gets that from?

Sunday, March 1, 2009

6 Months Old!

Riley turned 6 months old today! She has grown so much and is such a happy and funny baby. She keeps us all on our toes pretty much 24 hours a day. She is now an advance roller :) She can get pretty much anywhere by rolling over, and she knows this! She sits pretty good, we still have to keep an eye on her but she is getting better. My dad is teaching her how to crawl :) She can get up on all fours but not really go anywhere. We celebrated 6 months tonight with bananas! First time she has ate fruit, she wasn't so sure about them. She feeds herself crackers, and makes a huge mess. She laughs now at all of us, she just started giving me good laughs yesterday. Riley's 6 month doctor's appointment isn't until next week so we will have official weight then. I am curious as to how much she has grown. I just got rid of all her 0-3 month clothes today. She wears mostly 3 months but some 6 months fit. She is a growing baby!