Ron and I had a very relaxing weekend! I spend Saturday shopping with my Mom and we had a blast and bought so much stuff for so little money! By far one of my favorite things to do, Ron says I have a shopping problem, but I get really good deals on things we have to have, that is how I justify it :) Ron and Tony spent the day at Steve and Terri's working on the karts and getting everything ready for the first race. Only 19 more days, from what Tony tells me. Can you tell he is excited? We then spent the evening catching up on all our shows, I think we watched 4 hours of CSI. Sunday we spent the day enjoying the wonderful weather outside. We cleaned up all the flower beds and got everything ready for this spring. Riley loved being outside. Tony spent the night with his Papa since Grandma was out of town, he needed to take care of him from what he told me :) We met up with Steve and Terri and had dinner and watched the selection show. A little disappointed where Butler was playing, I was hoping it would be in Dayton so my parents would go. I can't wait for Thursday! Is it sad a co-worker and I spent about an hour working on getting the channel to come in on the TV at work?
I promise we are not neglecting Tony, he is just never home when I get the camera out! One busy little boy, he has quite the social life now, I think he has more of a social life that Ron and I! I will get some thing weekend I promise, I think he is headed out to New Castle for some practice before the big race.
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