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Monday, March 29, 2010

Pirates-the Musical

Tony had his fifth grade musical last week. It was a pirate musical and it was one of the best musicals he has had yet! It was great to see him get into in. He had a headache that evening so it was questionable if he was even going to make it but the Tylenol kicked in and he was fine by the time it was over. He did a great job and I love watching him preform. He gets so into it. He is working on the next musical, Alice in Wonderland. He is trying out for a part so we have been practicing tons!

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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Pacers game

Last weekend we had some super cheap tickets to the Pacers game. I always worry about Riley and how she will do at things like this especially since this was right in the middle of nap time. But, my little trooper did pretty well and she seemed to really enjoy it. Like her Daddy her favorite part was watching the cheerleaders dance :) Tony had a good time too, even though he likes the Lakers better. The Pacers actually won so that helped things out a bit!!!

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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Riley's 1st haircut

My little girl had to have her first hair cut a couple of days ago. It all started as a trimming of her bangs but I got the brilliant idea to trim the back of her hair too, it desperately needed it. Well......
The scissors got away from me and it ended up being a little more than a trim. I thought Ron was going to pass out when I made that accidental cut. His eyes got HUGE!!! In the end I managed to turn it into a really cute haircut. She has a little bob and looks like such a big girl now :)
Somebody please slow down time, it is getting away from me!!!!!!

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Strep throat = No Fun!!

Poor Tony got up yesterday morning not feeling good. Ron sent him to school thinking if he got worse the school nurse would call. No phone call ALL day. When we got home I took his temperature and it was 102.8! The highest I can remember it in a long time. So we got up this morning and headed to the doctor to find out he has strep :( He has been eating lots of ice cream, Popsicles, and magic egg soup makes everything better! Grandma Terri started the magic egg soup several years ago, he is still convinced the golden egg in the Mrs. Grass soup is magic. Don't tell him different please, it really works for him :)

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

101 dalmatians the musical!

Tony's favorite part :)

Sunday afternoon we loaded up my parents van and headed to Clowes hall on the Butler campus for 101 Dalmatians the musical. This was our first experience at a musical other than Tony's, and we all LOVED it. It was not at all what I expected but I enjoyed it a lot. I don't know that Ron was a huge fan, he did ask for his man card back as we walked to the car :) Riley loved when the real dogs came out on stage!! She also liked Cruella De Vil, I think her bright costumes helped! Thank you Mom and Dad for taking us to see the musical! I know their favorite part was to watch Riley's face light up with excitement. Tony liked it but I think it was a tad too young for him. Now if they had a Pokemon, racing, or football musical he would be all about it!

Monday, March 15, 2010


Not a lot of pictures, we stayed in the car because it was FREEZING out Saturday morning. That is why Tony is playing in his jacket! Come one warmer weather!!

Tony started spring flag football on Saturday. He enjoyed it so much in the fall we decided to do it again in Spring. It is also a great way to get all the winter energy out! I have to say Tony knows WAY more about football than I do (don't tell him that his head is big enough :) and he amazes me by how good he is with the ball. I guess we need to start feeding him protein shakes and doing some power lifting so he will get bigger :)
The count down is on, 15 more days until the boys first race!!! We are all very excited to get back to the track. I am just going to say it because my Dad loves it,
Let's go Racing Boys!!

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Sunday, March 7, 2010


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Spring Fling!

Saturday morning we got up and headed to Tony's school. They had their annual Spring Fling fundraiser for the PTA and we had a blast. They had all sorts of games and a bunch of inflatables that Tony loves to play on. The cool thing is with Tony going to before and after school care at the YMCA he has been able to play on these every morning and afternoon all week. The YMCA opened it up to us on Thursday for free. Tony some how talked me into taking Riley down the slide, I knew this was a mistake. Of course she LOVED it and they went down it at least 10 more times. Once it was time to go, our little angel threw the biggest fit I have ever seen! She cried all the way home. Needless to say once we walked into the Spring Fling the first thing she said was "SLIDE!!!" It cost money this time to go down it but a year and a half year old doesn't understand that :) We were able to distract her most of the time with other games but she managed to sweet talk daddy, yes this is already happening, into going down the slide. This time he got to see her fit (I really think he thinks I makes up some of her temper tantrums). This time though it didn't last long and we were able to move on to other things. It was a great time and I can't believe we only have one more year of going to it with Tony before he is in middle school!! :shivers at the thought:

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Out with the old in with the new!

With the snow almost gone and the sun out this weekend it was finally time to get outside and get somethings done. It was a big week in our house, we got new windows!! I guess that means we are old because Ron and I both couldn't wait to get home and see them. When we bought this house we knew we needed to put new windows in eventually. We after this COLD winter we started saving for them we knew they had to be replaced soon than later. They were put in Thursday and couldn't of come at a better time with this gorgeous weekend. We also put up Tony's new basketball goal he got for his birthday. Our neighbor Zack came over and it was put to good use! We also put together Riley's slide that Santa brought her for Christmas. We put it in the living room because she didn't want to come inside. I don't think she has been off the thing except to sleep and eat :0) It was a wonderful weekend and I think we all got some much needed vitamin D and I LOVED seeing the sun and just being able to be outside with the kids. I am so ready for warmer weather!

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Friday, March 5, 2010

Can you believe a year and a half?!?

Riley loving on her doll, she loves to give kisses to everyone but us!
Riley being like Mommy and reading under a blanket, I love this picture so much. It just shows how much they pick up even when you don't know it.
Riley loves to hide in my Mom's kitchen cabinets.
She could spend all day in those cabinets!
Helping herself to her the applesauce
Mommy and Riley, I love the look on her face, such a happy baby
Laying on Chase, she loves to be close to him! Of course the more her growls at her the happier she is, crazy girl!

Can you believe our little girl is already a year and a half! I can't believe we are half way to TWO!! She is a growing, well kind of, girl. We had our 18 month check-up today with her doctor and she is doing good. Still on the small side, a whole 19 pounds which puts her in the bottom three percentile for her age. She is 30 inches tall, 10-25 percentile but her head it 16 inches around which puts her in the 90% percentile! So I guess that explains why she is so smart!! She is done with shots now until five and now we only have to go for yearly check ups!!
She loves to read to herself and she can say a number of words now, too many to list. Her favorites are: all done, I pretty, I love you, Chase come here, bath time, o dokey, I broke it, pizza (which is any kind of food), and Bubba. Anytime she picks up a phone she calls Bubba! She loves Chase and tortures him on a regular basis :) She can count to three!! She loves to color on herself and on paper. Thank goodness we haven't learned how to color on the walls yet, but I am sure that is to come. She has the best personality and is hilarious. She reminds me a lot of her brother when it come to that. She LOVES to talk, scream, or anything that has to do with her voice. She only has separation anxiety with my Mom. I can leave and she doesn't care but when my Mom and I leave her with my Dad that is another story! She loves to be pushed around in anything and loves to play "cho cho" with Grandma, my Mom pulls her around on a blanket. She is just now starting to get lovey, she gives kisses and hugs when you ask but is kind of stingy with them! Elmo, Blue, and Dora are her favorite friends, besides Bubba of course! She is into EVERYTHING! My house usually looks like a tornado went through it, it is crazy how fast she can get into things. I just can't believe she is getting so big. I want to freeze time and make it slow down some, can someone work on that?

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