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Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I don't even know where to start with this boy! How about yesterday was his half birthday and he is officially 11 1/2 :) You know those are the important things in life! Tony has hit a mature stage and it as effected him in every area of life. He started karate back in January and has really enjoyed it. He has already moved up to a yellow belt and when he gets back from summer vacation with his Mom he is going to start right back up again and they are going to work on getting him caught up and into the next belt.

Racing is going awesomely (is that even a word) As Steve says, the light has gone on in this boy head when it comes to karting. He is running towards the front consistently and each race he gets better and better. Steve is looking to have him run some national level races this year and I am very curious to see how he does. Before he left for summer he had a second place finish and was 4th in points. I am hoping he can jump right back into it when he gets back. He has a pretty busy racing schedule so it shouldn't take much time!

Tony has officially "graduated" from elementary school and is moving up to middle school. Is that possible? He is so excited, every time I talk to him on the phone he mentions middle school at least once. I got the registration paperwork in the mail the other day and it made it seem so real. I guess I have been living in denial, I just can't believe it. Middle school is such a awkward stage in life but it really is the stepping stone from boy to "man" and that just doesn't seem possible.

Other than those big milestones Tony is just a regular boy trying to get through life. He LOVES Riley and is an awesome big brother. I can't ask for a better big brother for her. He loves to play basketball, have friends over, being outside, video games, "hunting", swimming, and spending time with his family. He has a HUGE heart and a BIG attitude :) He hates it when you don't believe what he is saying and he gets his feelings hurt so easily. He will do anything to make you smile and from stories I have heard he is the class clown at school. I just shake my head at some of the stories I hear, but none of them surprise me. He takes his time processing situations and at times won't talk about them until he has them figured out. Sometime it is like pulling teeth to get him to talk about things but once he does he won't stop. He is a horrible at telling lies, I can always see right through him and he HATES that :) I think he is getting into girls, but he is good at hiding it, but again I see right through that. He talks ALL the time and is so smart. He can drive me crazy and make me laugh at the same time. He is such a great kid and I am bless that I get to be apart of his crazy life!

See, I told you I would be back soon! Up next Riley, and yes it too will be soon :)

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