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Friday, August 15, 2008

Indy Racing Experience

Ron got to drive an Indy car at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway today. With the Indy Racing Experience you get three laps around the track and have to follow a lead car. The closer you keep with the lead car the faster you get to go. Let me tell you there were some people I could of passed with my golf cart out there! I teased Ron saying he would be the one to get in trouble trying to pass the lead car. Well he didn't get in trouble but the car did stop on his last lap because he hit the rev limiter too many times, which means he was going too fast! They said that he went about 122 mph, not a new track record but still pretty cool. Just being able to drive around that track and understand the history would be worth the money. Ron had a blast today and I am so glad we have opportunities like this given to us.