Donate to the Petersen Racing American Heart Association Heart Walk Team

Friday, January 30, 2009

5 months old!

Riley turned 5 months old on Thursday! She is growing so fast :( She can now roll over both ways, sit for about 2.5 seconds on her own and stand for about .5 seconds. She "talks" all the time and is happy and smiling 95% of the time. She giggles at daddy but everyone else isn't as funny as him! She reaches for things all the time and they normally go straight in the mouth. I can believe we are almost half way to a year old, where does the time go?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Snow DAY!!!

We all got to stay home yesterday for a snow day! We got 12.5 inches of snow and it was amazing to see how deep the drifts got! We have a pile by our driveway that is almost taller than me at 5'5! I promise a picture of Anthony by it soon, just have to be home when it is still light out :) Anthony played in the snow for a long time, I was on the couch reading ALL day and Ron did a little of this and that. It was a wonderful day, kind of hope this next snow storm they are predicting is just as bad so I can finish the series I am reading!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Last Chance for Hoops for Heart!

I am going to get him if you don't donate!
How could you resist either of these faces :)
Don't make me stick my tongue out at you for not donating for my brother!

Just a reminder tomorrow is your last chance to donate online for Anthony's Hoops for Heart. We want to thank everyone is who has donated online and sent us money!!! Anthony is beyond excited about how much money he has raised! It is not to late if you still would like to help out!

Please use the link a few posts down to get to his website!

Yummy Carrotts!

What did you give me!?!
Not quite so sure about this stuff.

Riley had carrots for the first time the other day it was hilarious to watch. She is all about the cereal and will be waiting with her mouth wide open! Well it was quite a shock for her when it wasn't cereal :) Needless to say more was on her than in her tummy. We did carrots for 4 days then moved on to peas. She didn't like the peas much either but, once she got use to the new foods it wasn't that bad. She still likes the cereal best!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

More monkey pictures!

Riley has been learning all sorts of new things lately, it is hard to keep up! She can roll both ways and likes to do it at night and wake herself up. She sits pretty good with assistance, just a matter of time she does it on her own. Today was a huge one, she stood unassisted for a few seconds! All of us were shocked when she did it! Of course that calls for pictures :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hoops for Heart!

Anthony started a fundraiser at school today for the American Heart Association call Hoops for Heart. He is trying to raise over $200.00 and he will be shooting hoops during his gym class next week. He asked if I could ask our blog readers if they would be interested in donating. You can make donations of $25.00 or more on his website below. If you don't want to donate that much you can donate by cash, check, or money order. Just let us know we can mark it on his donation sheet. He will take anything you give him :) Next Wednesday is the deadline so if you want to donate do it today!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

It was how cold?!?!

This was the temperature Friday morning on my way to work, no not wind chill ACTUAL temperature. The wind chill was something like -30. Burr is all I can say!
Good thing we don't have anything going on this weekend just staying around the computer and listening to the Chili Bowl :( First year in many that I haven't been and I am quite sad about it. But, an indoor car race is no place for a 4 month old! I am hoping to be back next year but we will see.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Look what Riley can do!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Pacers vs Lakers

So this was from a month ago but who cares :) Tony had mentioned to my parents that his two favorite NBA teams were the Pacers and Lakers and he really wanted to go see them play. Well of course they had to take him! It just so happened to be Indianapolis Motor Speedway night so I got really good tickets for super cheap for them. Well he had to have a Kobe Bryant jersey so I found one for a great deal and off they went :) He had a blast until the last couple of seconds with the Pacers scored and won by just a couple of points. My Mom still laughs when she talks about how angry he got. I guess he took his jersey off and threw it in the chair and didn't say a word the rest of the night. Tony wasn't to happy that my Mom was cheering for the Pacer's :) He can laugh about it now, we were actually talking about it tonight, but boy was he mad. We are trying to help teach him life doesn't always go the way you want it but you can't get so angry about it! Sometime I need to take my own advice :)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

She sure is growing fast!

I now eat my toes along with my hands!
What have you done to my hair!?!
Laughing at her brother!

Riley sure is growing up fast. At times I can't wait for her first words or even the first real belly laugh. Then I realize that it will all come soon enough and I should just enjoy she now as she is. She is such a happy baby and most of the time is either talking or smiling at you. She loves the dog and her big brother, they are the most amazing things to her right now. Tony can walk into a room and she starts smiling. She is happiest with only a diaper on :) She is getting so big and I look forward to what life will bring us but we cherish each day with not only Riley but Tony as well. He is going to be driving before we know it and is becoming such a great kid right before our eyes. Where does time go?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

What a messy eater!

On New Year's Eve we started Riley on cereal! It was quite the experiment to see how she would do. Her doctor told us to take it slow at first and just let her get use to new things in her mouth. Well, I laughed the entire time because what went in the mouth came right back out. She is getting a little better with cereal but we won't be introducing any more foods anytime soon :)

Monday, January 5, 2009

9 Years OLD!!!

Anthony is the big 9 years old day! Since we had already had his birthday party we celebrated just the four of us at home with crab legs, cake, and homemade ice cream. Sounds yummy right? Crab legs are Tony's favorite so that is what we had! Ron and I decorated the house last night, a tradition, and of course Anthony was surprised like usual this morning. Anthony made out like a bandit like he always does :) Pokemon cards, Skin it's for his Ipod, sea monkeys, Pokemon books, a big book of boys stuff, a backyard football target, a cool basketball, and Mario kart for the Wii! I think the kid had a pretty good day.
Not to take away from Anthony's day but we had a great friend leave us today to go serve our country. If you all could keep Danny Weaks in your prayers we would greatly appreciate it!!! We all miss hims already and he just left today. Ron and I were talking last night about him and his wife and how hard it must be. I can't imagine what all his family is going through and the sacrifices they have all made for us and our country.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Colts = Major Let down

We were all ready for the Colt's wild card game last night. We took our showers early got in our Colt's pajamas my Mom and Dad got us for Christmas and was ready to go! Too bad the team forgot to show up and played horrible. I thought Tony was going to cry when the game was over. Well, there is always next year! What do we do on Sundays now?!? No racing or football, sure is going to be boring around here!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Anthony's 9th Birthday Party!

Today we had Anthony's 9th birthday party at Rock N Rollers in Avon. This was Anthony's first "real" birthday party that wasn't at our house. We all had a blast. We all might be really sore tomorrow but we had fun skating. We had to pull Anthony away from the video games to skate but he eventually ran out of money. He said this was the coolest birthday ever :) Ron and I are both exhausted, but we know Anthony had fun and that is all that matters!