Anthony is the big 9 years old day! Since we had already had his birthday party we celebrated just the four of us at home with crab legs, cake, and homemade ice cream. Sounds yummy right? Crab legs are Tony's favorite so that is what we had! Ron and I decorated the house last night, a tradition, and of course Anthony was surprised like usual this morning. Anthony made out like a bandit like he always does :) Pokemon cards, Skin it's for his Ipod, sea monkeys, Pokemon books, a big book of boys stuff, a backyard football target, a cool basketball, and Mario kart for the Wii! I think the kid had a pretty good day.
Not to take away from Anthony's day but we had a great friend leave us today to go serve our country. If you all could keep Danny Weaks in your prayers we would greatly appreciate it!!! We all miss hims already and he just left today. Ron and I were talking last night about him and his wife and how hard it must be. I can't imagine what all his family is going through and the sacrifices they have all made for us and our country.
PS3 phone out next month...Aino doubt about it
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