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Thursday, January 8, 2009

She sure is growing fast!

I now eat my toes along with my hands!
What have you done to my hair!?!
Laughing at her brother!

Riley sure is growing up fast. At times I can't wait for her first words or even the first real belly laugh. Then I realize that it will all come soon enough and I should just enjoy she now as she is. She is such a happy baby and most of the time is either talking or smiling at you. She loves the dog and her big brother, they are the most amazing things to her right now. Tony can walk into a room and she starts smiling. She is happiest with only a diaper on :) She is getting so big and I look forward to what life will bring us but we cherish each day with not only Riley but Tony as well. He is going to be driving before we know it and is becoming such a great kid right before our eyes. Where does time go?