Donate to the Petersen Racing American Heart Association Heart Walk Team

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Look who is 10 month old!

Riley turned 10 months old yesterday! She is able to take a few steps on her own but nothing to major yet. She is getting much better at standing all on her own! She cruises pretty well too, walking while holding onto something. She prefers people food to baby food, my Mom and I both are having issues getting her to eat because she spits the baby food out. Not too good when you are suppose to be on a high calorie diet. We go to the doctor Friday morning for a weight check, I am crossing my fingers she is gaining weight, her pictures look like it but we will see. She is MUCH better at sleeping through the night, we are down to one or two nights a week where she wakes up to eat. She says Uh-Oh clear as day and is getting much better at Mama and Dada. Riley has the best personality she has some of the best facial expressions and she knows when she is being a "ham". She also knows the word No and she just ignores us when we tell her it. She cracks me up all the time, I will get so frustrated with her and she knows it and does something to make me laugh. She misses her brother a ton, but we look at his pictures all the time. Tony misses her too, we talked for almost an hour last night and most of it was about Riley. He is such a good brother.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Father's Day 2009!

Hopefully all the Dad's out there had a great Father's day. I know Ron sure did! Tony called first thing in the morning to wish his Dad a Happy Father's Day! It made Ron's day :) Tony and I had worked on a plan before he left, he had made Ron a card and I was suppose to give it to him when he called. We last week I found a great deal on a bike trailer, Ron has been wanting one for months. So Tony and I talked Saturday morning and I was going to give him the trailer, from him and Riley with the card. Well, Ron had no clue any of this was happening, lets just say he was quite surprise!

After spending the day running errands and keeping busy we had suite tickets at the Fever game. Yes I know WNBA, what were we thinking!?! It was actually a pretty good game and Riley loved the doggies at half time. I don't know that I would go back but it was definitely a fun time for all of us and something we had not experienced!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Look out tree here we come!

After our Make-A-Wish walk on Saturday we went over to Steve and Terri's to spend some time with them and give Steve his father's day present a little early. We didn't know what we were getting into! We helped move lots and lots of wood from this huge tree Steve had cut down. Mind you we had already walked 3 miles and were a little tired. Needless to say after staying over there for 3 hours we slept pretty good that night! Ron and I had a blast, kind of hard to believe, but really it was nice to help out and spend time with them.

Do you see what I see?

It is official, Riley has two teeth now! Her two bottom teeth have finally broke through and now she is working on the top two. Poor monkey has been a little cranky lately!

Walk for Wishes Update!

I want to thank my parents and Ron's parents for helping us get close to our goal for the Walk for Wishes that took place over the weekend. We didn't quite get to our goal but hey we only had a couple of weeks to raise money. Ron and I will be doing this again next year only we will be a little more prepared. We had a blast doing this walk. Once the walk started I got a little choked up just because of all the wish kids there that you could tell were sick. It makes be feel so blessed to have two healthy kids. Ron and I kept a super fast pace for most of the walk and was able to stay up front the entire time. Not that this was a race or anything but for Ron and I who are just now trying to get back into shape it was a huge goal for the two of us.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Don't have a lot of time right now but just wanted to wish all the Dad's out there a Happy Father's Day! Hope you all enjoyed your special day! Ron and I actually got the camera out this weekend and did some fun stuff so new blogs post should be coming soon! Plus Riley has a new somethings to show everyone now that we got good pictures of them :) Check back to find out what!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Walk for Wishes!

Just a reminder only a couple of days left to donate to the Make-a-Wish foundation and to sponsor Ron, Riley, and I in our first ever "walk" :) The walk starts Saturday at 11:00 am in Fishers at Town Hall if anyone would like to join us. If you would like to donate please follow the link below or you can send us a check and we will turn it in Saturday. If you have any questions please let me know!!

If you would like more information on the Make-A-Wish foundation please check out their website.

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Blue Angels!

"ooooohhhhhh" Riley liked the airplanes :)

No we didn't go to the Indianapolis air show over the weekend, we were to busy! But, on our way home from New Castle Ron and I were both aware it was going on. We were worried we were going to get stuck in traffic, we went two years ago and it was a nightmare getting out of there. To our surprise we hit Mt. Comfort about the time the Blue Angels started their performance. We couldn't keep on going, we had to stop. We got off the interstate and went down some side road and got out and watched. It was awesome, even though I have seen them before it is just amazing on what they can do. We kept Riley in her car seat for half of it, just because we weren't sure how long we would stay. After watching her trying to climb out of her car seat to see what all the noise was I got her out and she did not know what to think. If you haven't seen the Blue Angels before, they are loud! I think that is why I like them so much :) She just watched in amazement the whole time. Nothing saying Indiana more than standing in a corn field watching an air show.....

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Race Weekend

Ron and Tony raced a double header last weekend, they had a pretty good weekend. Riley and I stayed home and spent sometime with my Mom on Saturday (this reads we went shopping) and then we all headed up Sunday to watch the boys race. Ron did great he won both Stock Moto races, finished 3rd and 7th in the Tag class, and 2nd in the Pipe class on Saturday. Tony finished 4th and 6th in the Jr. Novice class and 12th and 9th in the Jr Sportsman class. You can see Tony getting better and better the more he is in the kart. I am still crossing my fingers for his first win sometime this year :) Overall a pretty good weekend, it is hard to believe Ron won't race again until 4th of July.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Walk for Wishes!

Ron, Riley and I are walking next weekend (June 20th) in the 4th annual Walk for Wishes in Fishers. Well, ok we will be pushing Riley but you know what I mean :) The Make a Wish foundation is a personal favorite non-for-profit group for me. I love the idea of giving a sick child the opportunity to feel normal for a change. Ron and I are both grateful for having two healthy kids and feel we need to do something to give back. We are working on a healthy lifestyle change and finding ways to move is one of our goals. What better way than to start off small, 2.5 miles, and work our way up. My hope is to one day to a 5K and actually run it not walk. I don't ever see myself wanting to run marathons or anything, but who knows! We created a team and are looking for two people to join us on the 20th, if you are interested just follow the link and join our team! If you can't figure it out get me a call or email! We welcome anyone who would like to join us. We also set a fundraising goal of $200.00, I know times are tough with the economy but if you have a few extra dollars lying around, know this goes towards a good cause!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Look out 4th grade!

Can you believe Anthony is officially a 4th grader? It does not seem possible that he is just two years away from middle school, where has the time gone? My Mom and I were talking about when Ron and I first started dating Tony would not leave Ron's lap when they came over to visit. Now, he doesn't want to come home with us he wants to stay over night! Anthony went to New Castle tonight with his Papa to get ready for the racing weekend so we had to celebrate his "graduation" last night. Over the weekend as we were driving through town everyone was having graduation parties for the high school seniors. Tony seems to think we should have a graduation party ever year for him, go figure :) So, that is just what we did last night. Nothing to fancy just his favorite dinner (besides crab legs) breakfast! We had pancakes, eggs, and slushies for dinner. Tony was in heaven. It was also his last night home for awhile so we had celebrate right. All I have to say is it is going to be a long six weeks.

Pool Time

Tony got to spend one afternoon in the pool, OK more like 15 minutes :) We wanted to make sure he got to spent some time in it before he leaves for Minnesota. He was freezing, we finally had to make him get out because he was turning blue! He can't wait to get back from Minnesota so it will be warm enough to swim. I just can't wait for it to get warm enough that means he will be home!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What a mess!

So this is what happens when we ask Anthony to play with his sister for a little bit while Ron and I try and get a few chores done around the house. I can't remember what I was doing but this all happened in a matter of 5 minutes and it cracks me up, I am sure Riley is saying it is all Kola's fault :)