Donate to the Petersen Racing American Heart Association Heart Walk Team

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Walk for Wishes!

Ron, Riley and I are walking next weekend (June 20th) in the 4th annual Walk for Wishes in Fishers. Well, ok we will be pushing Riley but you know what I mean :) The Make a Wish foundation is a personal favorite non-for-profit group for me. I love the idea of giving a sick child the opportunity to feel normal for a change. Ron and I are both grateful for having two healthy kids and feel we need to do something to give back. We are working on a healthy lifestyle change and finding ways to move is one of our goals. What better way than to start off small, 2.5 miles, and work our way up. My hope is to one day to a 5K and actually run it not walk. I don't ever see myself wanting to run marathons or anything, but who knows! We created a team and are looking for two people to join us on the 20th, if you are interested just follow the link and join our team! If you can't figure it out get me a call or email! We welcome anyone who would like to join us. We also set a fundraising goal of $200.00, I know times are tough with the economy but if you have a few extra dollars lying around, know this goes towards a good cause!