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Tuesday, November 23, 2010


We splurged this year and went trick or treating twice! Hey I figure we better get our money out of the pink cat and werewolf costumes!! We headed out to Avon on Saturday and went around a neighborhood and got a ton of candy and had a blast just the four of us! Riley at first couldn't figure out why strangers were giving her candy but she got the hang of it real quick. Matter of fact she even said trick or treat going through the Starbucks drive thru the next day if only if worked that way! Sunday we got up headed to church and had a great Sunday brunch with my parents for my Mom's birthday. Afterwards we took short naps and got ready for Halloween! We had several people over and looked like a herd when we were trick or treating but we had a blast! Tony was great with Riley both days and Riley had a blast. She still carries around her pumpkin saying trick or treat :) She also asks for he

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Pumpkin Patch!

The Sunday before Halloween we loaded up and headed down to Connersville to ride the Pumpkinliner train to the pumpkin patch. We were all really excited about this but I think I underestimated the time it took to get to Connersville. Plus Anthony was flying home that morning from Minnesota and I thought he arrived at 10:10 when really he left at 10:10. Don't ask me how I did that one because I still can't figure it out! So Ron and I headed to church first then hung out at Mom and Dad's until Tony landed after 1:00... Yep just a little mistake.

Once we got to Connersville, we just missed the 2:30 pm and the next train wasn't until 4:30 so we found a cool park to go to. It had a lake and trails and all sorts of neat things to do. There was rain in the area so we didn't get out to do too much. Once it was time to ride the train we were all really excited. It ended up being a lot shorter of a ride than we all thought, but we didn't let that get us down we were still excited about our hayride to the pumpkin patch and finding the perfect pumpkins. Needless to say, I was a little surprised when we stopped at a campground to get off the train. Again, didn't get too down, just thought it was a coincident. Well, lets just say it went downhill from there. We rode THROUGH the "trailer" park (this was not really a campground like I thought this was more of people who lived out of their campers) to the pumpkin patch and it was a TINY area with pumpkins thrown everywhere. Now this was perfect for someone Riley's age but Tony was a little confused. The kids were suppose to be the only ones with pumpkins but we were on the last pumpkin train for the weekend so they were trying to shove them into our arms as we left. On a plus note this will be one of those time we can look back and laugh about the time we went to the pumpkin patch in the trailer park. It also made us all realize how good we really have things. There was people living in tents in this trailer park. I just can't imagine living life that way.
I will not recommend the Whitewater Valley Pumpkinliner to anyone with kids over the age of 3. It was fun but we will be headed back to our normal pumpkin patch next year unless I find some other crazy place to go :)
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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Robo Pong 200

Second weekend of October brought Ron and I's favorite race of the year, the Robo Pong 200. Saturday was practice and qualifying for the race on Sunday and the day didn't start out to well with a engine issue that caused Ron and Colton to miss out on most of practice. I wasn't too hopeful for qualifying but when I heard 13th I was ecstatic, I think we all were! In my rush to leave for the track Sunday morning I forgot the camera, so I took the photos above from David Lee, the track photographer. The race started out pretty good until lap 14 when the kid behind him went into the corner a like it was the last lap and took out the radiator. After being in the pits for what seemed forever they got the damage fixed and went back out. By this time they were back to 37th and several laps down. It was a long hard race but Ron and Colton worked their way back up to 17th by the end of the race. That of course is with some good pit stop from crew chief Steve and Shannon :) Overall they were disappointed but glad they were able to finish the race. Can't wait for next year!

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Monday, November 8, 2010

Now this is sleeping!

Sometimes Riley misses naps during the day and this is usually what happens when she gets home. Playing with Grandma and Grandpa sure can be rough!

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KRA race 13 and 14 plus a little dirt track action!

The last weekend in September was a busy one with a double header KRA race and a last minute trip to Eldora to the 4-Crown nationals. Ron and Tony raced both Saturday and Sunday at New Castle, Ron finished 2nd and 3rd and Tony finished 11th, 12th, 13th, and 14th both days. Ron, Riley, my parents, and I headed up to Eldora for the 4-crown races Saturday after Ron raced on Saturday. It was a COLD night but we had fun. I hadn't been to Eldora in a couple of years and I remember why the racing was HORRIBLE. The track wasn't very good I am sure some of that would be the drought we are in but overall majorly disappointed in what use to be my favorite dirt track ever. Oh well we got to at least smell some racing and we can now say Riley has been to Eldora :)

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Monday, November 1, 2010

We're Back!!

So it has been over a month since I updated the blog lots as happened in our family over the past several weeks! Lots of ups and downs but we are all surviving just fine! My creativity has been slacking lately, I guess Riley wipes all of that out of me! I have actually been throwing around the idea of starting a new blog along with this one and I think that is where all my creativity has been :) Hey it sounds good right!?! I have lots to catch up on, birthday's, last races of the season, Robo Pong 200, Halloween, KRA banquet, school programs, and I am sure there is lots more! Just wanted to make you all aware we are back so expect LOTS of updates over the next couple of days!!

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