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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

1 Month Old!

Can you believe Riley is now one month old! She had her check up yesterday at the doctor and everything seems to be fine. She isn't gaining weight like I though she would, she is still at 7 lbs, 1 oz but the doctor didn't seem too concerned. She is getting longer, she is now 21 inches long! She did really good until the mean nurse gave her a shot. Riley can now follow you with her eyes and she is just starting to "talk" to us. We had a long conversation today and she cracks me up. She is so loud sometimes she startles herself. She still fights sleep but when she is awake she is very alert. I can't wait for that first smile!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Robopong 200

3 trouble makers??
Oh no that is Team JD Byrider!
Driver's Meeting
Getting ready to start the race

Holy cow 84 karts is a lot for one race!

Tony's future ride!
Ron, Riley, and I during one of his breaks
The trophy girl is smiling because Steve goosed her :) Or at least he said he was going to!

Ron raced in the Robopong 200 Endurance race on Sunday at New Castle. This is a race Ron looks forward to all year, is a huge race in the karting world.

Indy car drivers like Dan Weldon, Scott Goodyear, Will Power, Ed Carpenter, AJ Foyt IV, and many more race this event. There seemed to be more that normal this year but I think it is because they tested at the track today so they were already in town. This is Ron's time to shine against all these "professional" race car drivers.

Ron has been battling a cold so I was a little worried how the weekend would turn out. Ron teamed up with fellow JD Byrider teammate and friend Colton, they made a great team this year! The kart wasn't quite set up right for qualifying and Ron qualified 48th out of 84. My Mom tried to make it positive and tell him at least he was in the top 50! Ron was beating himself up all night Saturday and most of Sunday morning for it. This is over a 4 hour race, 200 laps a much longer race than Ron's normal 12-15 lap races. Ron and Colton both raced hard and smart and ended up finishing 7th and beating all the Indy car drivers!!!! It was a great race and I am very proud of Ron. I think once he feels better he will be pretty excited as well, we were both hoping for a top 10 finish with the way he qualified and just the talent that shows up at this event. He told me last night finishing 7th made him wish for a top 5. Boys, will they ever be happy? :) I am still very proud of him and everyone involved they all did a good job. It was a really fun day at the track, even I hadn't had that much fun at the track in a while. He is exhausted today, between fighting a cold and a pretty physical day he is beat.

Checking out this great article on the race, they actually mention Ron and Colton!!! Pretty cool :)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

They Won a game!!

Tony had soccer Saturday morning, and they won 7-3!!!! Tony scored his first goal of the season too!! I don't know what happened at practice Thursday night but whatever it was worked. All the kids worked well together. Tony was so excited, it was great to see that hard work can pay off and for him to see how well his team can work together.

After soccer Tony, Riley, and I spent the afternoon at my parents house visiting with my Aunt Barb and Uncle Lonnie in town for the day from Missouri. It was great to have to see family and for Tony to spend some time with them as well. Ron was off at New Castle practicing and qualifying for the RoboPong 200 Endurance Race, by far the biggest race of the year. I will post tomorrow all about the days activities, which we just got home from. It deserves it's own post :) plus I am hoping to get some pictures from Terri since I again forgot the camera.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Sean!!!

Thinking about how to score a goal.
This is how Riley enjoys soccer.
Birthday boy pirate Sean!!
Two mean looking pirates
Pirate Tony found his treasure, that is his best pirate face I think we need to work on that :)

Saturday was another busy day for us. Ron worked Saturday morning and Tony, Riley and I got ready for his soccer game. Ron got off work right when the game started so he had to rush to get there, thank goodness soccer is just down the road from work! Tony had another good soccer game, his team lost again but he is learning how to lose gracefully :)

After soccer we hurried out to a birthday party, my half child Sean. I was in the delivery room 5 years ago when Sean was born so that makes me his half parent. I can't believe he is 5 years old, Ron and I had just started dating when Sean was born. Kristine did an awesome job with Sean's birthday party. By far on of the best parties we have been too! Tony had a blast not only swimming in the lake but going on the treasure hunt and trying to hit the pinata.

Another big weekend next weekend. Riley gets to meet more family and Ron is racing in the Endurance race at New Castle. Hopefully we have a quiet week to get prepared for all the excitement next weekend!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

The many faces of Riley

What was that bright light???
Oh look and the pretty ladybugs.
By far my favorite face she makes. I love his face and it is usually only after she has ate.
Sticking her tongue out already.
Ok, Mom I am over the pictures now!

I am trying to capture all of Riley's facial expressions. At three weeks old she cracks me up with some of the faces she makes.

We are all adjusting well to like and each day we learn something new about her. She has my temper by far, which isn't a good thing :) I am listening to her get angry as we speak and I don't think Ron knows what he has gotten himself into. She loves to be moving. She wakes herself up all the time with her arms flapping around. I know lots of babies like to be swaddled but not ours, she needs to be moving even in her sleep. She is a piggy and seems to eat all the time. Riley is a huge fan of noise, the louder the better. I am sure as each day goes by we will learn more and more and I can't wait.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Another crazy Saturday!

This picture makes me realize how old Tony is getting, he just looks more mature and older.
Elbows are Tony's secret weapons!
I don't think he is touching the ground, he is on a mission.
Riley was exhausted from all the activity on Sunday
"Boy" and Madison! She is so cute and hilarious I love her :)

We started our Saturday out with the soccer in the morning. Tony's team did really well and you can see them get better with each game. They finally scored a goal!! They still lost the game but Tony is getting a good lesson on how winning isn't everything. He is also learning how to listen to the coach and to stay in his position. Ron finally got to go to this game, he has either had to work or race the past two games so it was nice he was there to help coach.

After the soccer game we meet up with my great friend Misty who was in town with her family for the Moto GP race at the track. Misty and I went to high school together and she is one of the few friends I still have contact with from Springfield so it is always nice when we get to visit. We visited with them for a little bit before they headed to the track. It takes us a little longer to get around but we all got ready and headed to the track as well. I went and visited work while Ron and Tony got to watch a little bit of the motorcycles. It was really good to see everyone from work. I actually miss work especially since it was an event weekend. But, they all seemed a little stressed so maybe it wasn't such a bad thing I was off ;) Not really this time off has made me realize how much I love my job, don't get me wrong I love being home with Riley but I also miss all my great friends at work.

After the track we met Misty for dinner, Riley's first dinner out! She did great. I was a little worried because it drives me crazy when I hear kids crying in a restaurant while I am eating, I didn't want to be that person :) It was so loud in the restaurant you couldn't even hear Riley, plus she slept though most of it anyways. After dinner Misty and her daughter Madison came over and hung out with us. Madison couldn't quite remember Tony's name so she called him "boy" all night. It was so funny. Tony did an awesome job with Madison he is going to be a great big brother to Riley once she does something other than sleep, eat, and poop :)

We spend Sunday at home in our pajamas recovering from Saturday. Hurricane Ike was here so it was yucky all day. We watched a lot of football and racing. It was a wonderful Sunday!!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Busy Saturday...

Hoping the other team doesn't score. Tony was a great cheerleader for his team while he wasn't planning.
Getting ready to throw the ball in play.
Tony being goalie and stopping the ball with his face!

Riley's first soccer game!

Saturday was a very busy day in our household. Ron got up early and headed to New Castle to get ready to race. Ron's dad bought a new motor after the shifter motor blew up for the what seemed like 100th time this season. They got a different motor with less horsepower but it should hold up a little better, or at least that is what Ron tells me. Ron went out to qualify and got the pole, first time ever a Stock Moto engine got the pole beating the ICC 125 motor's. Ron was very excited about it. As Ron dad said it would be like a V6 motor racing in NASCAR against the V8 motors. It has been a long season for Ron with a lot of things going on not only on the track but off the track as well, it was great to hear him and see him so excited. Ron ended up finishing 3rd in the Shifter race and 5th in the Tag race.

Tony and I got up Saturday morning and just hung out together then got ready for soccer. He played an awesome game and I was so proud of how much his teamwork improved. Even though his team lost 4-0 you could tell he had fun and he is learning how to communicate to other kids and how to encourage his teammates. That ultimately was our goal when signing him up for soccer, that and to get some of his energy out. After soccer off he went to New Castle with Ron's mom. Tony ended up finishing 6th. Last weekend while I was still in the hospital Tony had one of his best races ever, he finished 3rd and had his fastest lap time ever. Racing is almost finished for the season. Ron has the endurance race at the end of this month and then both Ron and Tony race the first weekend in October.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Riley First Week

We all survived Riley's first week home, and she is still in good shape! She is a great eater and an even better sleeper. She had her one week check up today and is growing good. I can't believe that is has already been one week, time is going to fly by the next thing I know I will be back at work and she will be getting so big. Ron and I both looked at Tony her first day home and can't believe how big he is getting. I don't know if it is because she is so small or if he is really growing up on us. Sometimes I wish I could make time stop and just sit back and enjoy the moment.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Introducing Riley Dawn!

Riley Dawn Petersen enter the world on Friday, August 29th, 2008 at 3:27 pm. Her weight is in question, she weighed 5 lbs 10 oz but later than night weighed 6 lbs 13 oz. Yesterday she weighed 6 lbs 7 oz so we think the later weight was right. She was 20 1/2 inches long. I have to say it I had the easiest pregnancy and a really easy delivery from the horror stories I have heard :) I was in labor for a total of 12 hours and only pushed for 15 minutes or so and out she came. Hopefully the recovery will be just as easy as very thing else so far. I will update more pictures a little later.