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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

1 Month Old!

Can you believe Riley is now one month old! She had her check up yesterday at the doctor and everything seems to be fine. She isn't gaining weight like I though she would, she is still at 7 lbs, 1 oz but the doctor didn't seem too concerned. She is getting longer, she is now 21 inches long! She did really good until the mean nurse gave her a shot. Riley can now follow you with her eyes and she is just starting to "talk" to us. We had a long conversation today and she cracks me up. She is so loud sometimes she startles herself. She still fights sleep but when she is awake she is very alert. I can't wait for that first smile!


Anonymous said...

My quarter baby is growing up without me!! I need to come see her this week but I don't think I can. Is there a day next week that works for you? Monday maybe?? I know Wednesday we are going to the Covered Bridge so that's out. With Sean in school it's harder. Let me know. I am pretty sure I can't do it this week. Today was my down day and I spent all day in the hospital with my dad.