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Monday, December 29, 2008

Look who is 4 months old!

Riley turned 4 months old today!! She had her 4 month checkup appointment today as well. She weighs 11 pounds and is 24 inches long. She is still a very small baby but growing consistently so that is all that matters! We get to start solids this week! She got her second round of shots and did not like them, she is fine now, what a trooper :)

Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Boy all this Christmas stuff sure wears you out!
We had Petersen racing shirts made for everyone, even Riley! I don't think she was too impressed.
Like my new collar?? I think Chase managed to destroy all his toys in 10 minutes flat, I ask myself why I waste my money :)
Look what I got!
Riley loves her new toy :)

We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! We sure did, we missed Anthony so much but we made the best of the day. We spent the day opening lots of gifts and eating a ton of food! It was a great day spent with family! We are still recovering from all the fun!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Santa Came!!!

I think he yelled about ever gift he got!
What the heck are you?
Riley's face in the background cracks me up!
He is getting so big!
What a good big brother he is :)

Santa showed up at our house this morning :) After the year Anthony has had there were a few times I questioned if he would show up! But, Anthony sure must of been good because he cleaned house with all the stuff he got! Let's see if I can remember it all, he got a digital camera, a new racing suit, eye clops, a couple of new board games, DS Spongebob game, a TON of pokemon cards, remote control robots, Narnia movie, slushie machine with syrup, a TON of books, and more but I can't think of it all! Santa didn't bring the rest of our gifts I guess he is waiting until Christmas. But, he did bring a family gift, a Wii!!!! We had a blast playing it today.
After we did our normal Christmas celebration we headed to my parents house so Anthony could open present there. He cleaned house there too! He got the new Pokemon DS game, Colts Croc slippers, Colts pajamas, new books, and Idog Dance, and an Ipod!! We got an Ice Cream maker and Ron and him got a cool flying bug, I think Tony has already broke it. What 8 year old needs all this stuff? Sometimes I wonder :) But, it was a great day and we all had fun. I will add more pictures later, I have a house to pick up and we have to get up early to take Anthony to see his Mom.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

They got you what?!?!

What a thinking face!
Grandma, Tony, and Riley!
There is a smile :)
He loves to unwrap presents, Riley was more intrested in watching the television.
A every happy boy!
The smile says it all :)
He was very excited about his new racing shoes, he wore them home!

We spent today at Ron's parents house celebrating Christmas before Tony leaves for Minnesota. It was good to just relax and hang out together as a family, something we don't get to do that often. Tony could not wait to open gifts, I can remember the excitement at that age :) Tony cleaned house with some toys, new karting shoes, and a new GO KART!!! I think he was in shock that he got a new kart. He moves up classes this year so what other way to do that than with a new kart. On the way home he kept talking about how cool it was and he just couldn't believe it. Ron got lots of new tools for his air compressor and I got the North Face fleece I have been drooling over for months! Riley got some new clothes which works out perfect since she is growing so fast! She will be in 6 months clothes before I know. It was a great day and we all enjoyed it! Now off to get ready for Santa, another big day tomorrow too!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Cookie Time

Since you won't let me eat cookies I will eat my hands!
Thanks Grandma Higa for the cookie cutters!
I want to help!
Chef Anthony :)
Notice Chase waiting for something to be dropped
Major Concentration on that face, he wanted them to be perfect for Santa

We spent Thursday evening making our cookies for Santa. Santa is making a special trip to our house tomorrow night! Anthony is going to be in Minnesota with his Mom so I had to call Santa to let him know so he could make a trip here before Anthony leaves on Monday. We have so much going on this weekend Thursday was the only day we could fit it in.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Ralph the Talking Reindeer

Anthony had his third grade musical/play tonight and he had a part! The had two lines and was Ralph the talking reindeer :) He did an awesome job!!! The baby in the background is not Riley, she watched the whole thing and just stared at the lights and her big brother :)

Friday, December 12, 2008

Santa Claus!

Sorry about the quality of picture, I need a scanner :)

Anthony and Riley received their letters from Santa today. Both kids have now had their pictures taken with Santa. Anthony saw Santa at Silver Dollar City when we were in Missouri. By the way, I guess Santa stays in Missouri because once Anthony was done telling Santa everything he wanted he told us that was the real Santa and not a helper :) We took Riley to my work today to see Santa and a cool Santa Studio. She had her first visit with Santa and she didn't cry. Now we just want for him to come visit. Santa is coming next weekend and Anthony can not stand it!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Our Favorite time of the year!

Outtakes from our Christmas cards

Christmas time is our favorite time of the year. We spent Friday night decorating the house and of course watching Polar Express with our hot chocolate! It was good to finally get the tree up. With Thanksgiving late this year it has really thrown me off not only with my shopping but at work too. I only have 8 more days of work until I am off for two weeks! Saturday we dropped Tony off at the grandparents house and Ron, Riley, and I finished up our Christmas shopping. Sunday Ron and I spent all day cleaning the house. I don't think it has been this clean in a long time!!! Tony is now sick with a stomach virus and Ron is still recovering from the same thing. We are hoping this all goes away soon and I guess we will be disinfecting the house again this weekend.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

3 months old!

While in Missouri Riley turned 3 months old! She had a weight check on Tuesday and now weights 10 pounds. The doctor doesn't think she is gaining enough weight so we have added formula to her diet. She didn't take well to it today so hopefully that will get better. Riley is quite the flirt she smiles and talks all the time. She has been sucking on her hand for awhile now and it just now finding her legs and feet. It is so funny to change her diaper, she holds on to her legs. She talks to her stuffed animals and has found the television. Even though she is so small it is amazing how much she has changed in the short three months we have had her!

Happy Turkey Day!

Hopefully everyone had a great Thanksgiving! We spent the day at my parents house eating lots of yummy food. Riley had on a great Thanksgiving day outfit but it didn't make it through one diaper change, she peed on it while I was changing her :) After lots of good food we headed home to make sure we had everything packed up for Missouri.

We left Friday late afternoon once Ron got off work. We knew it was going to be a long trip (7 hours) but we were ready to get out of town. Riley stayed away the whole drive there. Once we got into Springfield we stopped by my uncle's house and visited for a little bit. We were all exhausted so we headed for the motel. Saturday we got up and headed down to my Mom's side of the family Thanksgiving celebration. It was good to see all my family, I hadn't seen some of them in several years. Ron and Tony played and played, they were both exhausted by the time we got back. We went out to eat with some friends and the boys headed to the pool while I headed to bed. I hadn't been feeling good since Wednesday so I was exhausted by this point in time. Sunday we got up and went to visit more family and then Ron, Tony, and I headed down to Silver Dollar City. I had been looking forward to this since we decided to go to Springfield. Of course the day we planned to go, it snows and the wind about blows you away. We all still had a really good time. Tony got to ride a indoor roller coaster, a few other rides, and we all drank A LOT of hot chocolate! They closed the park down early because it was so miserable. We got up Monday and headed home. It was the longest ride of my life, just past St. Louis I got sick and let me tell you it is no fun being sick in a car. Once we got to Terre Haute things got worse, the roads ice over and we got stuck for almost three hours. We finally made it home safe and sound and I think I am on the road to recovery.
Sorry about the lack of pictures I was not feeling good!