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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Our Favorite time of the year!

Outtakes from our Christmas cards

Christmas time is our favorite time of the year. We spent Friday night decorating the house and of course watching Polar Express with our hot chocolate! It was good to finally get the tree up. With Thanksgiving late this year it has really thrown me off not only with my shopping but at work too. I only have 8 more days of work until I am off for two weeks! Saturday we dropped Tony off at the grandparents house and Ron, Riley, and I finished up our Christmas shopping. Sunday Ron and I spent all day cleaning the house. I don't think it has been this clean in a long time!!! Tony is now sick with a stomach virus and Ron is still recovering from the same thing. We are hoping this all goes away soon and I guess we will be disinfecting the house again this weekend.