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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Hopefully everyone had a great Easter! We sure did, it started with Tony waking us up at 7:30. We made him wait until Riley woke up or 8:15 before he could start searching for his Easter basket, mean parents I know! Once we were all up it took Tony no time to find where the Easter bunny had hid Riley's and his Easter baskets, it the coffee table! We had eggs all over this house! I think we have them all but I am sure we will still be finding them in the next week or so :) Tony got the movie Bolt, along with a ton of other things, we all watch it together this morning. It was a great Easter morning. We then went and met both our parents at the Brickyard Crossing for brunch, it was yummy! Once we were done there we went home for Riley's nap then headed out for some Easter geocaching! It was a great day together as a family. With the month of May coming up I know time together will be rare for the next seven weeks so it was good to have one day together and have a blast :)