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Monday, April 27, 2009

Water Park Fun!

If you look closely you will see sprinkles the boys were sneaking to her. She had them everywhere!

Not so sure about this water stuff!
The "dudes"
She loved it after awhile!
Yes Anthony really did hit 1,000 tickets. Ron and I had to sit there forever! This was the one time I felt like they actually got their moneys worth: :)
Best Friends :)

Anthony has been saving his money to take Ian back to the Caribbean Cove water park. We are trying to teach him the value of money and how to work hard for his money. He has been saving since August to pay for one night at the hotel, which includes access to the water park. Between chores and holidays it took him 8 months to save $250.00, not too bad for a nine year old :) We took them there about a year and a half ago to celebrate Anthony's 8th birthday, a little early. They had a blast last time so we knew they would this time. I was able to get Anthony out of bed early all week by counting down the days.
Once we got checked in and and changed into our swimsuits, off they went! They went down the slides play in the kid area, and never slowed down. Ron, Riley, and I just floated around the lazy river. Riley wasn't too sure of it but warmed up really quickly and seemed to have a blast! She didn't like getting splashed in the face but other than that was very happy just floating with us. After several hours of playing we called it a day and went and ate dinner. After dinner we headed up to the arcade. We were all exhausted. The next morning we all go up and ate a quick breakfast and headed back to the water park. Anthony and Ian spend most of their time on the slides. Ron and Riley spent a lot of time hanging out in kid pool. She really liked it! We didn't stay too late Sunday, we had a lot to do that day but both boys had a blast. Anthony is still tired today :) I know I am exhausted but that is because Riley did not like sleeping with Ron and I, she is worse than Tony when it comes to moving around!