Of course we were all at the Indianapolis 500! Ron took the kids and went with some friends. This year was a special year because it was Riley's first Indianapolis 500! From what I have heard she did awesome! Tony had a blast as well. Of course I worked 20 hours yesterday and have already put in several hours today. I haven't had much time to talk to Ron in the past couple of days so I am sure I will hear more stories tonight if I can stay awake! I got to spend just a little bit of time with them on Sunday but not much, it was just to busy. I will say I took some time to watch some of the pre-race ceremonies in an awesome location :) This was my first time doing this, I have now lived through 6 Indianapolis 500's as an employee so I had no clue what I had been missing. I will have to try and do this more often :) It is amazing to know what all goes into putting on the largest sporting event in the world and to know you are apart of it! I have been through this a lot and still don't know all the behind the scenes but I know what we go through to put this on and you would be amazed. I am not going to lie this year was rough but in the end I LOVE being apart of this. If you have never been to the Indianapolis 500 I suggest putting it on your must do list! Watch this video, we watched this in a all staff meeting and it still gives me goosebumps!
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