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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Princess Riley

Well this is what happens when the boys play with Riley.....

"Hey Mom, come here"

I go see what is going on and I find my two boys dressing up my little girl. This is all going on while I was trying to update the blog a couple of days ago.

"What is going on?"
"I pretty" Riley just smiles and you can tell she thinks she is hot stuff.
Oh my.....

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Work in progress...

Check out what Steve and Tony have been working on.....

How cool is that!? He is getting to be a big shot now, but is his head getting bigger? No not really :) He thinks it is "AWESOME" Check back often because they are still working on it and about 4 weeks the race season starts!!! I have to say we are all ready to get back out on the track. Make sure to sign his guestbook so we know you have visited his website!!

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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Rewind to Riley meeting Joe!

While my parents were in Tulsa back in January for the Chili Bowl there was a Butler basketball game. My parents have season tickets so we got to use them while they were away. Well this game happened to be a special game, Joe from Blue's Clues was there! Every morning when I drop Riley off at my Mom and Dad's she asks for Blue to be on. Once it is on she wants nothing to do with anyone, even when I leave I can't get her to give me kisses. She just pushes me away so she can see the T.V. :) Riley was scared of Joe at first but then she slowly warmed up to him. Tony wanted nothing to do with him, it was kind of funny. Poor Joe, he just doesn't appeal to the 10 year old crowd. We have a signed 8x10 from Joe in Riley's room and every morning she say hi Blue, hi Joe, a clue a clue! It is so funny, Riley loves her Blue's Clues!

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Saturday, February 20, 2010


We went sledding with our friends the Jarboe's back in January and had a blast. We had to go out and buy Tony a new sled for the occasion and I thought to myself he probably will only be able to use it once but at least we will have one. WRONG. I seriously think the Indy cars will have to have snow tires for opening day in May. It has snowed, snowed, and snowed. You can blame all the snow of me for thinking we wouldn't be able to use the sled much! We have found a hill right around the corner from us that is a blast and try to make it out there when we can. I am hoping to go a few more times this winter before we have to pack up the sled, but if we don't it won't hurt my feelings because I am so ready for spring!

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Rewind to Tony Singing National Anthem

Middle of January Tony got to sing that National Anthem at the High School Boys Basketball game with his choir. He did an outstanding job of course. It is so funny to watch these videos and see him looking right at the camera, I still think he could have a future on the big screen!!
We stayed for most of the basketball game, Tony had a blast!

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Monday, February 15, 2010

Some Valentine day outtakes

No I didn't forget about Tony in the last post it is just he was hiding from the camera or laughing to hard at Riley to get a good shot. But we did get these of Riley and they are hilarious! Her new thing is to play with bubbles, thanks to Bubba's school Valentine's day party. Well, my Mom bought Riley this cute Valentine's day outfit. Most clothes she wears is 12 months but sometimes the pants are too big. Well she made it most of the day until she really started running around and down they went. Tony thought it was hilarious and he was laughing until he was crying. Like I always say, our house is never boring....

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's day! We sure did, Tony and I got up early and fixed Ron breakfast in bed. We just hung out at home and watched Daytona 500 and the Olympics all day. We made cheese and chocolate fondue and ate until we all just about exploded. This is the second year we have done this and it is now a Petersen Valentine Day tradition! So yummy, I will have to share the recipe soon, just remind because I tend to forget. It was wonderful day with just the family. Ron and I don't really celebrate Valentine's Day, no gifts or anything just time together. We do get the kids gifts, we don't go overboard just some candy and a book.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Rewind to Anthony's 10th Birthday party

YAY!!! I am blogging from home on our new computer!!! I am going to try and post updates throughout regular posts to try and catch up because some big things happened in January! We will start with Tony's 10th birthday party. We had a small birthday party at our house for Tony. He got to choose what he wanted to do and it was to have friends over and play. We ended up with 9 or 10 kids, they all behaved very well and besides the noise level you would of never know there was that many kids! Ok maybe not maybe I just don't remember that far back very well :) Tony had a special request in birthday cake, a chocolate ice cream cake. Not hard, right? Well I forgot about the cake until the day before his birthday party, oops. Luckily I came across one and Tony had no clue. He got some really cool gifts and lots of money and overall had a great time! His best friend Ian was suppose to come over and spend the night but ended up not making it, Tony was so upset about it so we had to go out and rent some Wii games and of course get lots of candy to make up for it :) He had a great day regardless and I still can't believe he is 10!

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Friday, February 12, 2010

Meet Cupid...

Meet Cupid....
This is Tony's valentines box, do you remember making these when you were in school? I do and LOVED it. We had to be a little creative with Mr. Cupid since Tony told me LAST night that he needed to have one for TODAY....
This is how our conversation went yesterday when I picked him up from school:
Me: "Did you have a good day today?"
Tony: "Yep"
Me: "Did you get your homework done at the YMCA?"
Tony: "No, I still have some left"
Me: "Ok, well we are going to Grandma and Papa's house for dinner so you will have to finish it before we eat"
Tony: "Ok, I also need to do my Valentine cards for the party tomorrow."
Me: "Those are at home so we will do them once we get home, do you need anything else for the party like a Valentine's day box?"
Tony: "Yes"
Me: "And you were going to tell me this when?"
Tony: "I just did!"
We had two full days at home as snow days and this subject never came up. Does this sound familiar? I had flashbacks from making Student Council posters a few months back! The good thing is we raided my Mom's house for a box, wrapping paper, ribbon, and well anything else we thought would work. I didn't have to make an emergency trip to CVS, we just used what we could find. I did manage to lose our glue gun so we had to piece Mr. Cupid together with tape. Ron had to stop on his way home from work to pick up treats (that Tony was so kind to tell me as we pulled in the driveway last night that we needed to bring something) Poor Mr. Cupid might not make it through the entire day at school! I can only hope he does, I still have red fingers from coloring last night! I have to say it was all worth it in the end. As Tony was going to bed last night he came up and gave me the biggest hug ever and looked me right in the eyes and said: "Thanks Mom"
That will get you every time!

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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Riley and her hat...

Let's see if I can get Daddy's hat on my head?
Almost got it!
YES! I did it, Cheese :)
I am going to go sit in the basket and enjoy my new hat....
I have to say our daughter is a very comical, it is never dull around our house that is for sure! We had the luxury of two snow days this week and got to stay home with the kids. It was great, yesterday we didn't even get out of the house. This was yesterday late morning, yes we stayed in our pajamas for most of the day! Riley loves to put Daddy and Brother's hats on, anytime she finds a hat it goes straight to her head. Sometime she struggles with getting it on her head and gets mad but she is getting better everyday. Riley is such a girly girly. She loves hats, shoes, necklaces, bracelets, and perfume. Yet, she is such a little tom boy, the harder you play with her the better. I have a strong feeling we are in for it when she gets older, payback right Mom!?!

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Monday, February 8, 2010

Superbowl Sunday!!

First woman NFL player? I think not, she hated the helmet.
Can you see the dejection in his face? Please notice Kola on the couch with the Manning jersey on, do you think this boy means business!?!
Who cares who won, look at that cheesy smile :)

Well our team made it to Superbowl XLIV and we were so excited!! We have some normal Superbowl traditions like making homemade soft pretzels and spending the afternoon watching the Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet. This year was a little different, it was our team playing. The team we watched every single minute of every single game. The team we cheered for 19 weeks and road the ups and down with them. The team we were privileged enough to go see during the pre-season. It was our team playing in the Superbowl! We knew this would be a hard win but had faith in our Colts. The Colts had a great season and of course we are disappointed that they lost, some more than others in our house. But, it was a great season and we still love our Colts!! There is always next year, can someone please explain this to Tony? Once he realized our beloved Colts (who he worships) was going to lose the biggest game of the year, he broke down and started bawling. I mean could barely talk bawling, like a baby bawling, like so upset you would of thought he lost his best friend bawling. It felt so bad for him yet I wanted to laugh at the same. I guess it shows us how passionate he is about the things he loves, including football. He seemed much better this morning, he said we played a good game :) But, really sometime the child amazes me each and everyday.

I have more pictures to share from yesterday and hope to do that soon, we should be getting our new computer today or tomorrow and I can't wait!! I plan to play catch up the rest of this week and next and then hopefully back to our normal blogging schedule! I have to say I miss blogging, it is a good way for me to share our lives but also a way to store so many great memories. I hope one day Tony and Riley can look back and see their childhood moment by moment and feel the love we have for them.

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