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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Riley and her dancing skills

While Ron and Tony were racing Terri kept Riley all weekend from the sounds of things. I wonder if she has recovered yet? Riley is a ball of energy and never slows down!! A big thank you for keeping her. My parents kept her last weekend and every day during the week so I think they were in need so a break and some rest! Riley has been working on her dancing skills every night and I think she is getting better, I might be a little bias!

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KRA Race #4

Ron and Tony raced this past weekend and it was HOT! They did pretty well, I was at work but from what I have heard Ron had engine issues and finished 3rd and Tony had some pretty good battles for positions and finished 15th and 11th. Not a bad day, they went up Saturday and practiced and spent the night and let me tell you I missed them!! Not that I would of saw them much between being at work for 16 hours both days and trying to sleep. But still I missed them tons. I don't know who turned on the heat outside but I kind of wish it would cool off, it seems we went from cold to hot in a matter of days. I love the warm days not hot days! Only 5 more days until the 500!!

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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Opening Day at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway/SKUSA Races!

Opening day has come and gone at the track! We are officially open for business! We are just days away from Pole Weekend and besides the crazy early hours I have to be here I can't wait!!! This is what I work all year for and LOVE this time of year job wise. I HATE this time of year family wise because I don't ever see them. This year has been a little different with the outsourcing rumors going on towards the beginning of the year. It is kind of hard not to be a little bitter about how the whole thing was handled. But, now that there are cars on the track and fans on the ground it does remind me why I do work here. The rain needs to stay away though, I miss the sunshine! Things have changed quite a bit around here so it is taking some adjusting to get use to. But I am very grateful for the people I work with, they are my family this month and we have fun. I say this all the time but if it wasn't for the people I work with I don't think I would still be here. We truly care for each other in this department. I guess it is because we have been though so much together but more importantly we know how to have FUN!!!
I miss out on a lot at home and this weekend I missed out on some HUGE wins at new castle. Ron and Tony raced in the SKUSA central states race over the weekend. Tony raced both Saturday and Sunday and finished second on Saturday and WON on Sunday!!!! Ron only raced Sunday since he had to work Saturday and WON!!! They are both happy as can be, they are even talking about heading to some other SKUSA races in Missouri and Wisconsin. I am pretty excited about that since I missed this one, I would love to see them race on a higher level. Very proud of both of them and can't wait to get life back to normal, whatever normal is......

*Thanks to David Lee photography for the photos from May 2nd KRA race!

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Friday, May 14, 2010

300 Posts and My little Princess!

Holy cow I can't believe this will be my 300th post! Wow I sure do have a lot to share :)

This time I wanted to share my little princess and how girly and grown up she is! She LOVES to wear my shoes and always have to have a hat on. She likes to carry a purse whenever she can find one! She is getting so big now and can say pretty much anything she wants to say! She might just be one of the politest people I have meet :) She is always saying thank you and if you sneeze she will say bless you. It is too cute. She is always wanting to know if you are OK when you cough but, don't try to bring her in from outside because that is when the politeness turns ugly. Like laying on the ground screaming and kicking her feet ugly. It is so hard not to laugh because it is a a typical toddler meltdown and it is a classic one too. She doesn't do it too often but I have a feeling we are in HUGE trouble soon. I still can't believe two is just around the corner and I look at my baby and I have to ask myself, how did she get so big? I want my baby back!

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!!

This was my first year not working at the track on Mother's Day! Leading up to Mother's day I was so excited to spend it with my family. We had some friends over Friday evening, I spent Saturday morning garage saling with my Mom, took a afternoon nap Saturday and was so excited for Sunday! Well, Riley started the day off wrong by waking up at 6:30 :( What the heck!?! She has been sleeping through the night (knock on wood) for the most part and usually doesn't get up until 9-10. Not on Mother's day, I guess she was so excited to celebrate with me :) Ron fixed me a cup of coffee and got me two GREAT cards, which were a surprise. We decided no gifts this year. After hanging out we went to brunch with my Mom and Dad. We went to O'Charley's and it was wonderful! After brunch my day started to go down hill. I think the realization of working for the next 24 days in a row hit me. No day off until June 4th! I usually stress over May just because they are long days with no days off. I thought taking a nap Sunday would help but honestly I think it made things worse. Poor Tony was doing everything in his power not to drive me crazy but he was. I fixed an awesome dinner though, again not how I had pictured my Mother's day but ultimately that isn't what matters! We were going to watch Avatar but ended up watching it last night, GREAT movie BTW!

What does matter is I got to spend time with my AWESOME Mom and my WONDERFUL husband and kids. Looking back now I couldn't of asked for a better day (other than an attitude adjustment on my end). My Mom is my best friend and I can only hope when Tony and Riley grow up I will have just a strong relationship with them as I do with my Mom! Unfortunately Ron's Mom was visiting her Mom in Ohio and we weren't able to see her on Mother's day. But, we thought about her lots and also know how much she does for us as well! Hope everyone else out there had a blessed Mother's day!

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Monday, May 10, 2010

Dancing on the Bricks!

Riley getting down to the Gin Blossoms at the track. How cool is this video, she is dancing on the yard of bricks! Hopefully one day she will think this is as cool as the rest of us do :)

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Balloon Festival

Saturday evening we all bundled up and headed out to the track for the balloon festival. It has been gorgeous leading up to the event but a cold front came through and not only was it super cold the wind was blowing like crazy! We had fun anyways :) Tony and Riley had a blast playing on the Plaza and dancing to the Gin Blossoms. I wanted to get a picture of Tony kissing the bricks and Riley got down there with him and kissed the bricks too! Unfortunately because of all the wind they didn't get to do the "balloon" glow, but instead they did a "candlestick" glow. They all shot the flames in the air like a normal balloon glow just didn't have the balloons attached. It was pretty cool!! The heat from the flames warmed us up a bit too! Since they were only doing the candlestick glow they were letting people get in the baskets and pull the flame blower. Tony thought it was one of the coolest things ever! After the candlestick glow they shot off some awesome fireworks! I was a little worried about Riley but she was in awe. I love doing things like this with the kids, just something different they get to experience that Ron and I can give them. Tony told us, he sure was a lucky kid and can't believe all the cool things he gets to do. Talk about a GREAT feeling :)

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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

First KRA race of the season

Ron and Tony finally had a KRA race Sunday, the first two races got rained out and the first race was rescheduled for the day we were meeting Tony's Mom half way for Spring Break. So they missed that race. It rained A LOT Saturday and it was suppose to rain Sunday. Thankfully it really only rained heavily in the morning and by race time it was a light rain. Tony's first race it was just wet enough he needed to run on rain tires. He looked AWESOME!!! He went from 15th to 3RD in 12 laps! He was passing people left and right, I think we all agreed he has never looked better. He raced two more races and finished 9th and FIRST!!!!!!!!! Something has clicked with Tony this year, he finally gets it. Ron finished 3rd in his race, he had some handling issues so they are hoping to get out to New Castle soon to practice and get some set-up figured out. I have to say though a pretty good start to the season!

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