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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

First KRA race of the season

Ron and Tony finally had a KRA race Sunday, the first two races got rained out and the first race was rescheduled for the day we were meeting Tony's Mom half way for Spring Break. So they missed that race. It rained A LOT Saturday and it was suppose to rain Sunday. Thankfully it really only rained heavily in the morning and by race time it was a light rain. Tony's first race it was just wet enough he needed to run on rain tires. He looked AWESOME!!! He went from 15th to 3RD in 12 laps! He was passing people left and right, I think we all agreed he has never looked better. He raced two more races and finished 9th and FIRST!!!!!!!!! Something has clicked with Tony this year, he finally gets it. Ron finished 3rd in his race, he had some handling issues so they are hoping to get out to New Castle soon to practice and get some set-up figured out. I have to say though a pretty good start to the season!

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