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Friday, May 14, 2010

300 Posts and My little Princess!

Holy cow I can't believe this will be my 300th post! Wow I sure do have a lot to share :)

This time I wanted to share my little princess and how girly and grown up she is! She LOVES to wear my shoes and always have to have a hat on. She likes to carry a purse whenever she can find one! She is getting so big now and can say pretty much anything she wants to say! She might just be one of the politest people I have meet :) She is always saying thank you and if you sneeze she will say bless you. It is too cute. She is always wanting to know if you are OK when you cough but, don't try to bring her in from outside because that is when the politeness turns ugly. Like laying on the ground screaming and kicking her feet ugly. It is so hard not to laugh because it is a a typical toddler meltdown and it is a classic one too. She doesn't do it too often but I have a feeling we are in HUGE trouble soon. I still can't believe two is just around the corner and I look at my baby and I have to ask myself, how did she get so big? I want my baby back!

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