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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!!

This was my first year not working at the track on Mother's Day! Leading up to Mother's day I was so excited to spend it with my family. We had some friends over Friday evening, I spent Saturday morning garage saling with my Mom, took a afternoon nap Saturday and was so excited for Sunday! Well, Riley started the day off wrong by waking up at 6:30 :( What the heck!?! She has been sleeping through the night (knock on wood) for the most part and usually doesn't get up until 9-10. Not on Mother's day, I guess she was so excited to celebrate with me :) Ron fixed me a cup of coffee and got me two GREAT cards, which were a surprise. We decided no gifts this year. After hanging out we went to brunch with my Mom and Dad. We went to O'Charley's and it was wonderful! After brunch my day started to go down hill. I think the realization of working for the next 24 days in a row hit me. No day off until June 4th! I usually stress over May just because they are long days with no days off. I thought taking a nap Sunday would help but honestly I think it made things worse. Poor Tony was doing everything in his power not to drive me crazy but he was. I fixed an awesome dinner though, again not how I had pictured my Mother's day but ultimately that isn't what matters! We were going to watch Avatar but ended up watching it last night, GREAT movie BTW!

What does matter is I got to spend time with my AWESOME Mom and my WONDERFUL husband and kids. Looking back now I couldn't of asked for a better day (other than an attitude adjustment on my end). My Mom is my best friend and I can only hope when Tony and Riley grow up I will have just a strong relationship with them as I do with my Mom! Unfortunately Ron's Mom was visiting her Mom in Ohio and we weren't able to see her on Mother's day. But, we thought about her lots and also know how much she does for us as well! Hope everyone else out there had a blessed Mother's day!

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