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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Butler Basketball!

We spent this afternoon at a Butler basketball game, and had a blast! I was a little worried how Riley would handle the noise and keeping her busy the whole game but she was a champ! Tony goes to the Butler games a lot with my parents, this was my first game and Ron hadn't been in a long time. We watch a lot of their games on TV but just hadn't made it out to Hinkle Fieldhouse. Wow what a place! I had flashbacks from the movie Hoosiers :) I told Ron on the way home we will be going back. I guess my next purchase is going to have to be a Butler t-shirt :) I brought the camera but left the memory card in the computer at home. So, I took the photos off the Indy star website. They had to be of Gordon Hayward, the freshman from Butler, and Tony's favorite player. We watched him play last year in Brownsburg so it was kind of cool to see him playing for Butler.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

My Mt Dew Driving Baby!

Now what do I do?
This driving thing is pretty easy :)
Yummy Starbucks!
I would prefer the Mt. Dew please :)
Drinking and driving is not smart!

Saturday morning we got up and took Tony to a birthday party at Laser Flash in Carmel. We had two hours to waste before the party was over it so we spent it running some errands I have been putting off. We got back to the Laser tag place kind of early and got Riley out of her seat since she had been it is for half the day. She had a blast "driving" the car and drinking her Mt. Dew bottle. At least we all know she gets the Mt. Dew problem from, Grandpa Sherrell :)
Riley had her first fever last night. We played off her mood because she we thought she was tired from all the running we had done that day. We were wrong. She was up almost all night, I have never felt so helpless. It only went from bad to worse when she got sick all over the place at 4:00 am. It was one of the longest nights of my life! I had a friend tell me just wait until they start sleeping through the night and then get sick, you will be a walking zombie. I think she jinxed us :) Riley seems to be over whatever was wrong, the fever is mostly gone and she is back to her happy self as of now.
Tony spent the day with his Papa Steve at the Boat, Sport, and Travel show at the fairgrounds. He had a blast! He got to catch some fish, do some hunting, and even found his future dog, a beagle. He told his Papa his was going to get one when he got his own house, then told us he would be 15 when that happened :) Wow only 6 more years until he moves out, where does the time go? :)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

More randomness from the weekend:)

Soon to be quarterback?
Maybe a tight end? I guess that would be a good back up if the racing fell through :)
Mommy! What did you do to me?
What is wrong with you daddy!?! This is not funny!
This was before the body building began :)

Just some random photos from the weekend. Sunday night Anthony had his best friend ever, Ian, spend the night since school was out Monday. They played wii all night. At one point Ron and I had went to bed and Tony comes in to our room with no shirt on. I was so confused about what was going on. He proceeded to tell us they were working out on the wii fit being body builders. HA! I am still laughing about that one :)
Grandma Petersen got Riley some cool new shades for Valentine's Day so we had to try them out. I don't think Riley knew what to think! Once she got them off they went straight into her mouth. We will have to try again before race time this summer!
Tony plays football in the backyard everyday after school. Most of the time Ron will play catch with him. If Ron can't go out with him he still goes out there and plays forever. It is fun to watch him play a whole football game by himself. We have a talented boy on our hands!

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Daytona 500!

You can't tell but Tony has on a new Stewart-Hass shirt.
Riley in her own racing onesie :)

We spent Sunday afternoon with Ron's parents watching the Daytona 500. They came over to our house and we all enjoyed it on our new TV. We got a new TV for Christmas and we LOVE it! I guess that is why we are so popular lately :) It was a fun afternoon even if the race got rained out. I think everyone was cheering for Tony Stewart I am the odd one in this family since I was cheering for Kasey Kahne. We aren't going to push Riley into a favorite driver, we will let her pick. But, I have a strong feeling she is going to be a Tony Stewart fan I am so out numbered! We were all happy Matt Kenseth won and happy Kyle Busch wreaked. Is that bad!?! :)
Now that Daytona is over that means racing is right around the corner. Only seven more weeks until Ron and Tony's first race! Ron and I are starting our new workout routine tonight as a way to help him get into shape for the season. We will see how well that goes, I have been working for over a month but it is time to get Ron into gear! Not that is takes much for me not to work out but he needs to get into shape and I need to the rest of this baby weight.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's day!

Just a day late, but Happy Valentines Day! Our Valentine's day went something like this:

Cheese and Chocolate Fondue+Family+Chili Bowl=True Love

Ron and I spent the day like a normal Saturday for us, cleaning the house and going to the grocery store. My parents had Tony, he went to a Butler basketball game with them the night before. They ended up coming over and we fixed cheese and chocolate fondue. It was wonderful! Tony said it was better than the Melting Pot! We all ate until we couldn't move then settled onto the couches and watched the Chili Bowl on television. Since I didn't get to go this year it was nice to see it on TV. Ron and I don't really celebrate Valentine's Day, no cards and no gifts, but I think we have found a new tradition with the fondue! I should of took pictures but it was way to good to stop and do that :)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Monkey Riley :)

Here is Riley doing one of our favorite things, enjoy :)

Lazy Weekend!

Yes we have a lazy dog :) He has to eat salad for dinner because he is a pig and got to fat. We now have his weight under control but as you can see he is spoiled rotten. I went to bed early Sunday because of being sick and Ron came to bed to find Chase in his spot, on his pillow right next to me. Since Chase usually gets cameo spots on the blog I decided he needed some pictures of his own.

We had a lazy weekend for a change. I think it was mainly because I was sick. I spent Saturday on the couch in my pajamas finishing the 4th Twilight book and it was wonderful to do nothing! We then went to some friends house that night and had a great time! Since I wasn't feeling to well we just played some cards and didn't stay to long, but we had these plans for awhile and it was great to spend sometime with them. We got up Sunday and watched the recorded Bud Shootout from the night before. What a bummer that Harvick won, yuck! We walked to the park that afternoon since it was the first day in ages above 50 degrees!! Ron spent time working on the karts to get ready for the racing season. I have to say I usually get excited about winter because we have some down time but boy am I ready to get back to the track. We are all ready to get back to racing!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

She is sitting up!

Looky at what I can do!
Mom! Your taking pictures of me with no clothes on.
Tony loves to read to Riley.

Riley is officially learning how to sit up on her own. We have been practicing for awhile now but she can do it now! She lasts anywhere from 10 seconds to a minute or so. Daddy and Tony were practicing with her the other day while I was cleaning up the kitchen. Tony kept coming to tell me Ron needed help with Riley, I couldn't figure out what he could need help with. I got into her room to find her sitting up! Sorry she is naked but she loves not having any clothes on, I hope she grows out of that by the age of 2 :)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Pacers vs Knicks

Ron was drooling ;)
This guy could jump like no one I have ever seen before. I think he has special powers!

Where is the ball?!? This picture cracks me up.

Ron and I had a rare date night Saturday night. We went to dinner with some friends downtown and then headed to the Pacer's game. I got tickets from work and they were outstanding! We were seven rows up from the floor. I told my Mom to watch for us on TV, with my luck I figured I would be the one to get hit in the head with the ball! We aren't really huge Pacer's fans but it was still fun to go. We keep up with it just enough to know who was who and have a good time. I think we had a better time at dinner with our friends. We don't get out much so this was a rare treat for us.

We spent Friday night at a place in Avon called Jump N Play with our friend Rosie and her two boys Logan and Austin. I actually took the camera but once Ron started taking pictures he realized I left the memory card at home. Sometimes I wonder about me :) The boys had a blast and were wore out, or at least Anthony was! We had a good time and can't wait to get together again.

Today we are cleaning the house, cooking our traditional Super Bowl pretzels and getting ready for the big game! I don't know if Tony is more excited about the Puppy Bowl or the game. I think I am more excited about the commercials, it is not much fun when your team lost in the Wild Card game. We will be cheering for Arizona!