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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Pacers vs Knicks

Ron was drooling ;)
This guy could jump like no one I have ever seen before. I think he has special powers!

Where is the ball?!? This picture cracks me up.

Ron and I had a rare date night Saturday night. We went to dinner with some friends downtown and then headed to the Pacer's game. I got tickets from work and they were outstanding! We were seven rows up from the floor. I told my Mom to watch for us on TV, with my luck I figured I would be the one to get hit in the head with the ball! We aren't really huge Pacer's fans but it was still fun to go. We keep up with it just enough to know who was who and have a good time. I think we had a better time at dinner with our friends. We don't get out much so this was a rare treat for us.

We spent Friday night at a place in Avon called Jump N Play with our friend Rosie and her two boys Logan and Austin. I actually took the camera but once Ron started taking pictures he realized I left the memory card at home. Sometimes I wonder about me :) The boys had a blast and were wore out, or at least Anthony was! We had a good time and can't wait to get together again.

Today we are cleaning the house, cooking our traditional Super Bowl pretzels and getting ready for the big game! I don't know if Tony is more excited about the Puppy Bowl or the game. I think I am more excited about the commercials, it is not much fun when your team lost in the Wild Card game. We will be cheering for Arizona!


Anonymous said...

We LOVE Jump N Play!! I took Sean there last week or the week before that while the other 2 were in school. I'm usually bushed by the time we are done and we never stay an hour because he has me running the entire time we are there!!