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Monday, February 9, 2009

Lazy Weekend!

Yes we have a lazy dog :) He has to eat salad for dinner because he is a pig and got to fat. We now have his weight under control but as you can see he is spoiled rotten. I went to bed early Sunday because of being sick and Ron came to bed to find Chase in his spot, on his pillow right next to me. Since Chase usually gets cameo spots on the blog I decided he needed some pictures of his own.

We had a lazy weekend for a change. I think it was mainly because I was sick. I spent Saturday on the couch in my pajamas finishing the 4th Twilight book and it was wonderful to do nothing! We then went to some friends house that night and had a great time! Since I wasn't feeling to well we just played some cards and didn't stay to long, but we had these plans for awhile and it was great to spend sometime with them. We got up Sunday and watched the recorded Bud Shootout from the night before. What a bummer that Harvick won, yuck! We walked to the park that afternoon since it was the first day in ages above 50 degrees!! Ron spent time working on the karts to get ready for the racing season. I have to say I usually get excited about winter because we have some down time but boy am I ready to get back to the track. We are all ready to get back to racing!!


Anonymous said...

Keelie has been trying to get me to read that twilight series. I've been sick since Friday as well. I just wish I could have spent time in my jammies. Mark had to work and the kids had games. What do you have? Mark had something nasty last week and 2 out of 3 kids have had a fever the last 2 days.