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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Happy Birthday to you....

Can you believe today is Riley's 1st birthday? It has been an emotional week for me, I can't believe my little baby is one.
Friday brought back a ton of memories since she was born on a Friday. I can remember that day like yesterday. I woke up around 3:00 am with some weird feeling, boy didn't know what the day was going to bring. I finally realized that something was going on and woke Ron up to time the contractions. From 4:00 to about 6:00 am my contractions went from being 15 minutes apart to 5 minutes apart. We watched some stupid ferret show in the toy room and I can remember laughing about it saying I can't believe we are watching this. We laughed and laughed about how bad it was and how this is what we are going to remember about my early labor and let me say we were right. We still laugh about it. We decided to call the doctor and see what she thought. She said head on into the hospital to get checked out. Well me thinking I wasn't even for sure if this was it, took my time. I took a shower finished getting everything ready. We had to get Tony up and get him to my parents house so they could get him to school. We then decided he could stay home just in case he wanted to come up to the hospital later. By the time we got there it was going on 8:00 am. I got all situation in a holding room and they told me I was in labor and dilated to a 3. They then told me they had no rooms at the time. What how can a hospital be full, it wasn't like it was a hotel! So Ron and I walked the halls for a little bit, the holding room had three other women in there and I felt better moving around. My Mom showed up at some point while we walked the halls and stayed the whole time with us, it was great to have her there. By the time a room came open it was close to 11:30 am. Once we got in the room I immediately got the epidural. I was dilated to a 5 so I figured half way, might as well start the drugs now! I guess I should of just braved it out because that epidural HURT. After about an hour I was still have very intense contractions and asked the nurse if that was normal. Come to find out my epidural didn't take and they had to redo it. Not fun, the contractions were easier that getting another epidural! Finally after what seemed like forever I had some relief. I remember trying to relax because I had read so many horror stories about women pushing forever and getting exhausted. Well after a very short time the nurse checked me again and I was to an 8, at this point my water still hadn't broke. They called my doctor and she came in and checked me and broke my water. She said we had some time so she left. After the nurse got everything ready she checked me again and she could feel Riley's head. She paged the doctor and while we waited we did a few practice pushed. I remember the doctor coming in and pushing three sets and out came Riley! Easy as can be. Hint, this is why we will never have another I will get cursed for having such a easy first pregnancy :) Our lives have never been the same from this day a year ago and feel so blessed for having such a wonderful and full of life child in our lives.

Her party is next weekend. This weekend is Moto GP for those that don't know and well after working 15 hours I didn't feel in the mood to host a party too. Plus I have to be up in just a few hours to go back. I will update more on Riley in another post and share her new quirks and how big she is getting. She also has her one year check up on Friday so some prayers please for another great weight gain!


Cara said...

Awww! That was so neat to see each month again side-by-side. Happy Birthday, Riley! Chrissy, hope your last event weekend of the year went well. :) Enjoy the birthday party!! Can't wait to see pics of her eating her cake!