Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!! We certainly did, we spent the day at my parents house with some yummy food, good football, good naps, and lots of looking through sale ads. I asked Tony what he was thankful for on our way to my parent house and this was his answer: Mom, Dad, Riley, both Grandparents, books, candy, pie, go-karts, well.....pretty much everything. Ron and I are both thankful for two very happy and very WONDERFUL kids, a loving relationship, GREAT parents, and last but not least God. We had a great day, we missed Ron's parents and I do miss all my family in Missouri but know how lucky I am to have such a great family here in Indiana!
Mom and I got up early Friday and headed out to the Black Friday madness, this was Mom's first time going with me. It was crazier than usual but I had a blast, I secretly think Mom did too even though she says she isn't doing it ever again :) It is by far one of my favorite days of the year, I save and save for this day and literally go shopping ALL day. The van decided it had enough around noon and started making some crazy noises so I had to quite a little earlier than normal. It was probably a good thing because we had the van loaded full and I was just about broke! I pretty much finished up all my shopping but Ron and can sit back now and enjoy the holidays. We have lots planned the next few weekends!
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