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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Perfect Weekend!

traditional Ian and Anthony fort!
Yes Ian is missing his shirt, he sat in our lawn chair that had been in the backyard during all the rain, poor kid what to wear Tony's clothes for the rest of the night, notice the height difference? It was funny!
Trying to do something to keep her hair out of her face.
She didn't like it...
Friday night Ron stopped by and rented Super Mario Brothers for the Wii. For those that had a Nintendo as a child and played the original game back in the day, this is just like it!!! I am in heaven, it brings back so many memories :) We played the game forever Friday night, my thumb was sore went we went to bed if that tells you anything. We both had stressful weeks at work so this was our way of unwinding from the week, it was perfect!
Saturday we got up and I went to New Moon, which is awesome and much better than Twilight. Ron took the kids TV shopping, yes I know what was I thinking sending him to a store to get a TV while I wasn't there! It worked out though and we have a new bigger TV for the toy room, this will come in handy after Christmas ;) Ian spent the night Saturday and at one point in time we had 5 boys in our house, all the neighbor kids showed up. It was nice that the boys were able to play on their own and we didn't have to entertain them. We did a bonfire after Riley went to bed and had some smores and watched some Butler basketball.

Sunday was beautiful so we took advantage of the weather and put up our outside Christmas lights, pictures to come soon. We watched to Colts win yet another game and then just hung out together as a family.

Perfect weekend!